My 39th Birthday 🎉Spring Rolls & Monkey-B Makes A New Friend 👯



I'm another year closer to 40 now, and I celebrated it sleeping in, spring rolls, and watching Monkey-B make a new friend.

I Climbed Mt. Spring Roll ⛰️


     My wife had previously promised to make one of my favorite dishes for my birthday, tofu larb, but our little patch of mint isn't ready to start harvesting yet. In lieu of this, she decided on safe second option, spring rolls, or naem as they are called here in Cambodia. We even had a special guest join us for lunch, and this young lady had no problem with eating a vegan meal.

Monkey-B's Got A Friend 👯


     Ever since we moved to Steung Kach, there has been a little girl that I've wanted my youngest daughter to get acquainted with. Today was the day the two of them overcame their shyness, and once this little girl was comfortable at our place, she didn't want to leave.


     Her "mom" is actually her "grandma" as we found out, and it's because her mom used to hit her and married a new husband that doesn't want stepchildren, so she was dumped here. Her grandmother isn't much better, and is chain-smoking, card-playing wealthy woman covered in gold necklaces and rings, but she won't even send her granddaughter to school.


     We noticed she had marks bruises on her arms, and when we prodded a bit, she said her grandma hits her sometimes. I had to suppress the rage, and we let this sweetheart know she's welcome at our place anytime. She went swimming with us, played LEGOs with Monkey-B all day, and joined us for lunch, only to have her grandma wonder where she was after she'd been away from home for seven hours. Her grandma came by and shouted some obscenities, and playtime with Monkey-B was immediately cut short.


Monkey B
 2 years ago  

hi my friend @justinparke I wish you a happy birthday, may you always be healthy and have a long life... and always be humble..... and never want to win alone.... it doesn't seem like this year I also had the chance to wish you a happy birthday to my friend's son,

long ago........ when you were stranded in Suriname I also once wished you a happy birthday that time you were playing with Harry the lamb.

I feel lucky because this year I still had the chance to wish you a happy birthday...

it turns out that your birthday and @sreypov's birthday are not too far apart about 3 months or so... that's if I'm not mistaken...

our age continues to grow... as well as the burden of our lives continues to grow.... as well as our children have also grown up without us knowing it all we have lived...

we all know the twists and turns of life there must be ups and downs, it's all just a test in each of our lives.. be smart we balance the circumstances and situations that hit us.....

I don't want to comment about the child you describe in this post.. why is that....

when I read the contents of your post I immediately got angry or my anger rose,, how could a mother leave a child,,, it's all just for the sake of a man... that's all I don't want to continue to comment.... .

once again I wish you a happy birthday and wish you a long life, I hope this year you will be more successful than in previous years amen.....

 2 years ago  

Thank you for the birthday wishes bro. Yes, mine, my wife's and oldest daughter's birthdays are all very close together, but Monkey-B has her birthday in winter time. I understand your feelings about the neighbors child, it is very frustrating for us too, and I wish there was more I could to help her.

Happy belated bday my friend and don't be afraid of the big 40
( I have been living it since October and it's alright ). 40 is the new 30.

I'm another year closer to 40 now, and I celebrated it sleeping in, spring rolls, and watching Monkey-B make a new friend.

How does it feel to sleep in a spring roll? Comfy?

Poor little girl, glad to hear that you invited her in and I really hope she can play with Monkey B and spend time at your house many more times and increase her quality of life.

 2 years ago  

I didn't realize you'd already hit the big 40. Haha, when I read my quote I realize I was posting way too late at night. I meant to say with spring rolls and sleeping in, but the way it reads is much more humorous, so I'll leave it unedited. I too hope Monkey B's friend feels welcome here, and it's important she knows she has a safe space here.

 2 years ago  

Happy Birthday to you 🎉!! Looks like a delicious feast of naem. As for Monkey-B's new friend, I hope the poor little thing gets to spend lots of time in your home and learns what family is. From what i have learned about you by reading your posts and your comments, I'm sure you're probably thinking of ways to improve her life already.

 2 years ago  

🙏🙏I guess it's good and bad with Monkey-B's new friend, the grandmother is abusive but also neglectful, so fortunately she can spend as much time away from home as she likes. Shame we live in a place that is 95% soldiers and their family due to the military outpost here. These are all powerful people not to be messed with, and all of them are connected in one way or another, so the best we can do is continue providing a safe space.

 2 years ago  

Gosh, I didn't realise there was a military outpost there. I remember reading one of your posts about the land mines and the ex military living around you but that takes it up a notch within your community. You guys are awesome for offering a safe place for that little girl.

 2 years ago  

Happy happy birthday! May you continue to love and live happily with your family, wishing you good health the whole year through and beyond! And of course be with us through our journey here in on hive. God bless!

 2 years ago  

Thank you for this b-day greeting. I am dreading the big 40, but it's coming at me whether I like it or not.

 2 years ago  

Happy Birthday to you!!! Im sure you enjoyed those spring rolls.

Poor little girl. I hope she things will work out well for her. And that her grandma will not hurt her anymore.. i am glad she found a friend in Monkey B.

 2 years ago  

It was a tasty birthday indeed, and I'm lucky to have a wife with such talents in the kitchen. So sad that after being abandoned my her mom, that her grandma doesn't show much love or affection either. Even though we're far from a normal family, I hope she can find some peace at our place.

A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! 🎉 Glad to hear that you got a special meal and that Monkey B has a new friend. It is wonderful that you could show that little girl some kindness, which is lacking at her home. 😕

 2 years ago  

It's so nice to see Monkey-B now has a friend, but a bit tragic to learn more about her circumstances at home. There is a lot of PTSD from the Khmer Rouge era, both from the victims and the perpetrators, and some studies in California have shown that even the grandchildren of American immigrants suffer from this. I would've never imagined you can pass trauma down from generation to generation even though the circumstances that originally caused it are long gone.

 2 years ago  

Happy Birthday! May you continue to be blessed! Enjoy your special day!

I really feel so bad for Monkey B's friend. Such a shame to be living in a family that's abusive.

 2 years ago  

Thank you for the blessings, and yes, I am troubled by the situation with the little girl, but this is Cambodia and everyone in our village works for the military outpost or is related to them in some way. Because of this, we have no power to change things other than to give her a safe space to visit.

 2 years ago  

You're welcome. I didn't know that the situation there in Cambodia was like that. I'm glad that you are there to give her a safe space to stay in. May you continue being blessed for doing that.


 2 years ago  

she had marks bruises on her arms

That is very bad. Violence on children sometimes is hard to stop because the children do not tell to anyone. The cruelty comes from their closed relationship with them.

 2 years ago  

So tough to know this information, but the situation here means there is little we can do. I just hope she spends more and more time at our place where she's safe from here granny's wrath.

A very happy and blessed birthday to you. Is there child services that you can report regarding Monkey B' s friend? It is so sad to hear that she has been abused.

 2 years ago  

I am honored to receive so many birthday greetings. I wish there were child services or some kind of protection for kids in this situation, but Cambodia is still behind in matters like these. Most of the people here are soldiers, and this comes along with a Khmer Rouge history, so there are many cruel and troubled people. If they weren't powerful military people, we would try to help more, but Cambodia can be a deadly country when you challenge the government.

Happy Birthday!!! What a nice celebration with spring rolls galore.

So sad about the girl. I'm glad she got to have some time with your nice family.

 2 years ago  

One more year and it's the big 40, not looking forward to that milestone. So nice to see that kids only enjoy good food, and don't hesitate to try something just because it lacks meat. I hope Monkey-B's new friend will soon learn that she's welcome here anytime.

Happy Birthday! It's a shame the day was marred by a crusty old woman, but I'm positive you'll all do what you can to help the girl with her days.

 2 years ago  

Yeah, a bit of a letdown to see the bruises and become aware of the situation, but also good to know Monkey-B has a new friend, and that her friend is welcome here anytime.

Happy birthday to you! Exciting to see your girl socialize. So sad what her friend has to go through. Good thing she's comfortable in your home.

 2 years ago  

Thanks, and yes it was a bit troubling to discover the info about Monkey-B's new friend, but there's little we can do because everyone is military here and we are the new non-VIP folks in town.

 2 years ago  

Belated happy birthday sir @justinparke 🙂 I know you enjoy your birthday yesterday. Keep enjoying and happy with your life.

 2 years ago  

Thank you, it was a day well spent with family and tasty treats.

That mint will be spreading out of control before you know it... Happy birthday !

 2 years ago  

Very true, I have never seen mint not try to take over a space when it gets established.

That's why growing it in pots is a good idea! 🌵

 2 years ago  

Many Many Happy Returns of the Day, Happy Birthday to you @justinparke

 2 years ago  

Thank you my friend, good eats are the best gifts.

Happy birthday Justin and well done for providing a safe space for this young girl xxxx

 2 years ago  

Thanks, a bit bittersweet because I am troubled to know the girl's grandmother is abusive. I know the lady a bit, and she is very shrewd, not even pleasant to be around for 5-minute intervals.

I miss having food with you guys :(
Happy B day again brother!

 2 years ago  

The feeling is mutual bro, and thanks for the birthday wishes, shame you can't join us for some fun.

Hey! Happy Birthday! Get ready for a new Life when you reach 40! hahaha!

 2 years ago  

Haha, 40 is hard to imagine, but I still feel young even if my back tells me otherwise.

hahaha! for me it's my eye sight that tells me😄

 2 years ago  

Happy birthday again.? Love you so much❤️

 2 years ago  

Thanks for the naem, they were delicious.

good morning sir Mr. @justinparke, can I ask, why my posts in Asean are all white or not visible anymore. thank you. good morning sir Mr. @justinparke, can I ask, why my posts in Asean are all white or not visible anymore. thank you.

 2 years ago  

Greetings, I noticed you weren't engaging or responding to your commenters. I even took the time to leave you a longform comment with advice how to make the most of your Hive journey and remain a longterm ASEAN Hiver, and you didn't even take the time to respond.

sorry sir @justinparke , I really want to join the asean hive . but I'm a little bit difficult to open my blog, because the cellphone that I package is not good.

 2 years ago  

But you seem to have no problem with markdown and posting. I don't understand, your cellphone package makes it difficult for you to engage and comment, but it doesn't cause any problems for posting?

So how about Mr. @justinparke, can I still participate in ASEAN?

 2 years ago  

You are refusing to answer my questions, so sorry, not at this time.

What is the question, friend, if I knew, I would definitely answer. please give me a chance friend.

but I'm still trying to be able to show the best.


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 2 years ago  

I'm 10 days late, so I won't send the B wishes as the Chinese seen belated wish is bad. Have a good year ahead and hope to catch up with you again next year.

Feel bad for the little girl and hope she find some peace in your home.