My DIY: A Crocheted Tote Sling For Daughter's Birthday

in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY2 years ago (edited)


Hello everyone! How are you today? I would like to share what I've finished the other day for my daughter's birthday tomorrow. Well she came home earlier so I gave it to her.


I still have some threads left which I estimated to be more than enough for a tote bag.



I started from the base measuring about 18 inches. I see to it that the base will be in single chain for durability. Well, she likes big bags unlike me when I preferred to carry pouches! I know it's not that easy which opted me to start crocheting a week before where I could insert my project in between the modules of Antonia. I need to assist her in other subjects especially in Filipino and Araling Panlipunan subjects because she's having hard time in Tagalog dialect.



I added mocha milk cotton thread for contrast to break the monotony.



I applied 4 double chain for the handle to make it look lighter until both ends meet at the center for the shoulder top.


I applied double chain for the edgings for finishing.


I finished it within 4 days time!


There, she placed all her books for her German class! She was happy because she used the one that I made for her elder sister. She's has many signature bags but they always love to carry my crocheted products!

Thank you for dropping by my page. Keep safe everyone!





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 2 years ago  

Thank you!

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 2 years ago  

Thankyou @diyhub and @rezoanulvibes for the curation. More power to DIYhub Community!

 2 years ago  

Ang gaming talaga sister.

 2 years ago  

Crochetiful! Looks sturdy and roomy. It is really different if a mom knows how to crochet.

 2 years ago  

She's has many signature bags but they always love to carry my crocheted products!

The one made with love, have a higher value that the one bought with money 😁😁

 2 years ago  

You're right. That am proud of. Thank you!