👗 Dressing Up, Visiting Angkor Wat, & A Lot More! 🛕



I want to tell you about my trip to Angkor Wat dressing in traditional dresses, and having fun also I mean what all of that without fun.


Here is another post about my trip to Angkor Wat, but this time we actually explore it a little. The thing we rented some traditional clothes, me, my sister, my mom, and my cousins dressed up and get out hair done. Some of us did some light make-up, and that's it.


This is what we look like before dressing up, I just wear a t-shirt with jeans and that's it. We go there and watch the sunset first which is pretty but too bad it wasn't in the middle.


Well here is our traditional clothes looks like, so basically you can choose your own clothing. I didn't pick mine but it was pretty, I mean purple kinda look good on me. This picture is taken by a photographer and it wasn't good, so I sorta just added some colors to it a little more.


This is me by myself also taken by a photographer, but again the color is just horrible I managed to make have some colors. At that time my feet are burning, and it feels like it my feet are turning into BBQ.


This is taken by a photographer, but with my mom's phone which looks a lot better than the expensive camera. It was so hot but it is a good thing that they have umbrellas for us. Try not to notice my mom's shoes, they are so cute with eyes and stuff.


My sister by herself near the place where we got dress up, she looks like a mini princess. I have to admit she looks good, but also look like a chopstick at the same time.


I mean I am bad at taking pictures, but this is good enough. The sun looks digital though, but it was really good. My mom's photos are better though, but I am better at taking pictures of beautiful sky but not the sun.

Monkey B
 last month  

Stay hydrated sis. Is really amazing to see it. Been almost 10 years from now since l last visited ang kor wat. How is there now sis?

 last month  

I don't remember what it is like 10 years ago, but it is somewhat like before. Have a nice day.

 last month  

You are very beautiful in your traditional dress.. I think the traditional dress has attractive colors. The skirt has unique patterns.

 last month  

Thank you so much. My favorite part about the traditional dress is the skirt because they usually has pretty patterns like you said. Have a nice day.

Such beautiful clothes! You, your mom, sister, & cousins look so pretty in them! 😊

 last month  

Aww Thank you so much, it is pretty but it is not really comfortable.

 last month  

Beautiful traditional Khmer, we like to hope that the new year makes you all better.

 last month  

It does feel better, and yes it was very pretty. Have a nice day.

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 last month  

Great looking photos. I have never been there. It looks lovely!

 last month  

Maybe you can come here someday, and it is lovely but a bit hot. Have a nice day.

 last month  

everywhere is a bit hot in this part of the world until December :) I'm used to it!