Oh no! What a horrible situation! I'm so sorry, mostly for Mei-Yii, since she is the one who will suffer most from all this. But also for you and your family, who have tried so hard to help, only to have to deal with such bad consequences. Also, I'm sure your daughters are affected, since they became friends of Mei-Yii.
However, I really like your words "big humans who do not know the ways of adults." That is exactly the case, in my opinion, an excellent description. Just because someone is over 18 does not make them adults automatically. They have to ACT like adults, and take responsibility for themselves, and those they are responsible for (their children, their dogs, even their trash). In this sense, even a young person under 18 should be seen as an adult, who are responsible and reasonable humans. - Like your daughters seem to be! 😄
Yes I feel bad for her but a few days after that Mey-Yii’s grandma ask her husband to ask our neighbor if he can take Mey-Yii to school. Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you have a nice day.