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RE: "The Herb" for Thai Chickens!!

Hemp has also been illegal here for the last 25 years (thank you USA, NOT!) but is recently also being planted all over.... as a commercial crop. YES to help seed and hemp seed oil for health and longevity!!! I'm really looking forward to have access in the next few months to such amazing things, organic and locally grown.

Your nephew is one of arguably hundreds of thousands - if not millions - who have been healed and cured really simply and painlessly. Big Pharma NO LIKEY. And suddenly all the prohibition makes sense. 😞


The biggest culprits (on record) in the U.S. behind pushing for a ban on hemp years ago appears to have been, The Dupont Corp. with the advent of their new synthetic fibers (nylon e.g.) in order to help eliminate competition, along with a major publishing and paper manufacturing conglomerate. Those behind the growth of allopathic medicine for profit factored in as well.