DIY Rose Petals and Sugar Body Scrub 🌹

in The Herbal Hive2 years ago

Hello everyone!

I am especially addressing to the Ladies with this post because it is related to beauty BUT it's also for anyone who's interested in home making products and cosmetics.

I'm not sure if I told you, but a few years ago me and my mother in law were almost about to open a business on healthy products and cosmetics production. For some reason (me getting pregnant and others in the way), we stopped where we are at the time but since then I do for myself at home many cosmetics and self care products like scrub, facial toner, cleansing, tooth paste, tooth water, face and body scrub, hand cream, face cream, soap and many other beauty elixirs...

I don't ever buy body scrub!


Why buy it when I can do it myself ❓ | Ten times better! |

I can do it with just a few ingredients or if I want something fancy, I add a few more natural ingredients.

Just a quick reminder: a scrub is a beauty product that helps with exfoliating the old cells on our skin.

Exfoliating is a MUST DO if you want to keep your skin healthy and good looking.


NOW, there are TWO MAIN COMPOUNDS that are usually used in DIY body scrubs: SALT or SUGAR

It's recommended to use it maybe twice a week? and one time only for a dry sensitive skin.

I like to apply the scrub in the shower. It's the easiest!

You can do your own research on this topic but pretty much this is it. Use it a several times/month if you want a beautiful clean skin.

DIY Scrubs have always TWO BASIC parts: oil and salt/sugar

And there are endless combinations you can make starting with these two.
You can use coconuit oil, avocado oil, olive oil, calendula oil (and any other herb infused oils), you name it.

You can add coffee grounds, essential oils, plant extracts and more.

There are really hundreds of recipes out there, you just need to experiment a bit and find what works for you.


OK, now this recipe right here! 💟

My mom has a lot of roses....some of them are edible too. And in the summer, a few times maybe, I do a mess in the shower by using this Rose Scrub cause it's a bit unpleaseant to have all those tiny petals gathered in the shower. Sometimes I feel it's not worthy but I'm not that lazy to not enjoy this a few times :D


This scrub it's a 30 minutes work, without the part when you'll have to collect the roses.

You can wash them, but be careful, try to let them dry because it's not good to have water in this scrub (or any other). Even though you'll be keeping it in the fridge, water causes DIY products to spoil much faster.

Honestly, I didnt wash the roses because I know what I had. They were chemicals free and all that stuff. Only rain and dust..maybe some insects :)). But I cleaned them as best as I could, without washing the rose buds.






  • coconut oil

  • roses

  • sugar

  • rose extract

I dont have measurements for this recipe and I felt that sugar is best together with roses, so you can use salt as well if you want. BUT, just so you know, usually I have salt in my scrubs because salt has many more health benefits than sugar.

You can use rose essential oil if you want or maybe other floral esential oils. Vanilla would be amazing too!




Cut the rose petals.

Add sugar. Combine.

Add coconut oil and the extract.

Mix everything very well.

Store it in the fredge. It lasts maybe up to 2 weeks.





Add all ingredients in a food processor. And give it a couple of pulses.

I must say this method is better and I like it way more than the first.

Why? Because the petals now are blended together with the rest of the ingredients and they can go through the shower drain....But that depends on how much you mixed them inside the food processor.








I hope you enjoy the photography as well. I think the colors are really beautiful, I can't stop posting them all.













Well, that would be for today! I hope you ladies like this recipe and it's helpful for you one day!

Wish you a wonderful time!

Love Missdeli



Every Rose Has It's Thorn - I know many of you know this lovely song.

But I particularly love this version, from the 2012 Musical Film ROCK OF AGES, starring Tom Cruise. Good movie (even though it has only 5.9 on Imdb) or at least the music in it is beautiful. I hate Imdb rates , it's not the same for every one. At least not every time:D


Wonderful, LOVE this so much @missdeli. I can smell it from here as I'm reading it, thank you for sharing, such a great idea and rose is super heart opening.


Thank you, you're very kind! I'm glad you liked it! And ohhh yeah, The SMELL! Yeah, definitely I forgot to mention about that! Ughhh!

Greetings frm this part of the world! ❤️

Oh, these look sooo divine. I've been using a clay mask with rose petals in it which smells lovely. I'd never use store bought things again - once you've made your own there's no going back. Do you think you'll start that business one day?

Thank youuuuu! 🌹

I use clay mask as well but honestly it's been some time since I last made one.. I forgot about it ughh.. But I might do one tonight good idea. See how much energy I'll have till then....

I dont know about the business, the short answer would be NOT at the moment, not now. I want to have another baby and with Caleb being still 3.5 yrs old I just feel it's not the time. I can't right now. I'm that type of person that puts everything in anything: business, school, projects. I can't do things less than I can. And that's why I can't be fully in and my husband supports me but right now he has his own stuff and yeah, it's not the time. BUT the idea it's still there, in mi mind somwehere. Also we wanted to start a business importing some probiotics and gut health supplements that are not easily found here, in Romania. Things would be a bit easier for us because we already have a place to have a business, with production and stuff like that. It's just the business itself and the time to put into it that we dont have at the moment.

Anyways, I'm sure that at one point, we would have a business, Health related. That's our thing, our desire and our pleasure!

Sorry for this long reply, I think that it was a reply for myself as well. haha... But thank you for stopping by and reading my post! appreciate it 💙

Oh I wondered if you were going to have another baby. I can't believe Caleb is three already, it seems only yesterday he was a baby,! Everything happens when it's meant to.

Well, for now I'm just hoping for this baby to come haha and yes, time will know about everything! 🤗

I love a good scrub, my daughter made me some the other day. That was a proud mama moment.
This rose petal scrub looks amazing, thanks so much for sharing it with us xxx

Ohh how lovely of her! Sorry to ask, I forgot, but how old is your eldest? Making food and now making scrub, she's already a big your lady. 💗

Thank you for stopping by, it's my pleasure to share as always! 😁

(I was reading your post the other day with your girl making pasta and food, but didnt have time to reply 😞. Still that photo of almond butter made me go to the fridge and have a spoon myself). haha

Thanks for sharing I might give this a go 👍🏾

My plasure, like always!

@tipu curate 🥀

Thank you @rozku! Can I ask you something? Is there a way I can curate to tipu? I understand that maybe it's a way to send hive somewhere and then tipu upvoting the content? Well, sorry if I'm talking non sense but I thought it's not a bad idea to ask.

it is always a good idea to ask a question! 🍓

yes, you can become a curator in a project created by @cardboard :) maybe he will write here how to get to this program at the moment.

Ok, sure! Thanks for the reply! 🤗

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Greetings I hope you are well, how interesting everything I learned in your post I did not know all the capabilities that had natural esfoliación through sugar, salt and petals, I loved that fan possibility that you can give me nature and how I can nourish my face in a more healthy and effective way, I really learned a lot in this post, I thank you very much that you have published, thank you very much for all this information.

Thank you! Greetings for you too frm this part of the world hehe!

I'm very happy if it was useful for you, maybe you can make your own, for you and your girl! It is really the best way to efoliate your skin and this is soemthing not only for women. Everyone should do it, at least a few times/year if w're talking about guys. :D

Wow! this is a must try @missdeli and thank you so much for sharing it with us. Aside from rose petals what other alternative you can suggests? because rose is so pricey and limited here in our area. Thanks.

It doesnt need to be roses. Do you have geranium? Or aloe? Or any plant that grows in your area should be good. Even lavander, rosemary, thyme, cinnamom, chammomile... every plant has some benefits so use it regarding your skin. For example chammomile is calming, lavander and tea tree, oregano and thyme have antibacterial properties.

You're very welcome! 🥰

ah okay, so every plant can be a different variety or kinds of your body scrub. Thanks for your answer @missdeli

Yes. This is like a basic recipe and you can add whatever you have or prefer. It is adaptable for sure!