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RE: Car and transporter: The building begins

in LEGO4 years ago

Yeah, this set has been sitting in my office at home for a few months, since April I think, so about time to get it going. I was going to build a bit tonight actually, but aren't in the mood, not the best of days today to be honest. All good, just not feeling like doing much. Early night I reckon.


Ah, bless you. Hope you'll feel better tomorrow morning, with a cuppa of coffee in hand, and those Legos silently whispering in your ear... "Geeeee-dooog"

Lol, good gif.

Yeah, I'll be good...One needs to kill the G-dog if one wants to hold him down...Been tried. Didn't work.

I'm curious to know how that previous attempt to kill old G-Dog went, since I'd love to try and make improvements for any succeeding efforts in subverting Australians.

Well, I'd not want to be responsible for the demise of the country, or myself, so attempts in my life would need to stay classified for now; No point divulging weaknesses.

Although, I can say this...Once I went a whole week without eating a donut and coffee...Nearly killed me...But I can't say anymore on the matter. It's classified.

Goodness, that sounds awful. I think we should make that a human rights issue, as no human could ever live in peace without a donut and coffee every once in a while. A whole week is equal to torture...

This is what I looked like at the end of the week, but browner.

I can feel your pain through this GIF, but a lot less mocha.