oh yea that looks typical asian places 😅 everything so cheap if you have to live with an EU wage
we don't have the age anymore to get drunk 😂
oh yea that looks typical asian places 😅 everything so cheap if you have to live with an EU wage
we don't have the age anymore to get drunk 😂
True and at the same time Thailand is a very special Asian place. People are focused on harmony here.
😀👍 I don't mind getting drunk too but I need a good company for that. When I was younger, drinking with random people was fun.
I wouldn't mind visit Thailand for holidays when kid grows up, a colleague went there before covid, great places and beaches, is it a safe place?
Amazingly safe.
Because I been to Mexico and there were guards on village entrance and they warned us not to go around alone, I was wondering if Thailand is the same
No, it's not like this. I believe Thailand is safer than many European countries if not the most of them.
Good to know, waiting for the kid to grow up then 😅 have you been to other asian countries beside Vietnam and Thailand?
It's already not quite correct to say "I've been to Thailand" since I've, like, lived 3+ years altogether in this country. Maybe, 4. Vietnam? 2 years or so... I stopped counting long time ago.
Also, Laos (6-7 months), Cambodia (5 months probably), Malaysia (3 months), Indonesia (1 month), India (6 months), Nepal (1 month), China (1 month). And Turkey, including Turkish Kurdistan.