
typical asian places

True and at the same time Thailand is a very special Asian place. People are focused on harmony here.

we don't have the age anymore to get drunk

😀👍 I don't mind getting drunk too but I need a good company for that. When I was younger, drinking with random people was fun.

I wouldn't mind visit Thailand for holidays when kid grows up, a colleague went there before covid, great places and beaches, is it a safe place?

Amazingly safe.

Because I been to Mexico and there were guards on village entrance and they warned us not to go around alone, I was wondering if Thailand is the same

No, it's not like this. I believe Thailand is safer than many European countries if not the most of them.

Good to know, waiting for the kid to grow up then 😅 have you been to other asian countries beside Vietnam and Thailand?

have you been to other asian countries beside Vietnam and Thailand?

It's already not quite correct to say "I've been to Thailand" since I've, like, lived 3+ years altogether in this country. Maybe, 4. Vietnam? 2 years or so... I stopped counting long time ago.

Also, Laos (6-7 months), Cambodia (5 months probably), Malaysia (3 months), Indonesia (1 month), India (6 months), Nepal (1 month), China (1 month). And Turkey, including Turkish Kurdistan.