Monomad Challenge: Fisherman at Fish Landing Place

in Black And White2 months ago


Hey everyone, how are you today, I'm back with some black and white visuals you might like, and here's my entry for the #Monomad challenge. This time I'm back again with some visuals that I made using a drone and my pocket camera, this is a photo story about fishermen who are on holiday with their activities in the ocean to catch fish, you can see how many boats are parked in that place, I made this visual using a drone to make it look wider and everyone can see the area where the ship is parked. From land, I used a pocket camera to capture several photos of fishermen pulling nets to put into the boat. This is an activity of fishermen in this area when they are on holiday by fishing in the ocean, this place is very hot, but this is a place where fishermen depend for their livelihood to earn a living from the ocean, by catching fresh fish to sell at the market. Well my friends, I've said too much, so I hope you like the content I'm sharing this time, and have fun.







You are happy with my current work, and I will be happy if you like this latest work. Have a good time!!!

Thanks For Visiting My Blog

Best Regards



This one is really cool! these boats from above seems like a house too!!

Thank you .....

I love the perspectives of your photos, it's certainly beautiful work. I want to keep seeing more pictures soon!

Thank you for the comment, I'm very happy if you like my work.

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for curate and support @brumest and @qurator team
Glad if you like my work..

Very beautiful and interesting photo of PPI Pusong Village Lhokseumawe, very beautiful @fachrulreza 👍👍👍