Fire and Earthquake Drill | Monomad

in Black And Whitelast year (edited)


Today, I will share the pictures I captured during the Earthquake and Fire Drill conducted at the school where I work. The tragedies happening around the world are truly alarming, and the Philippines, including our province, is not exempt from the environmental challenges. Anytime, disasters like earthquakes and fires can occur, so we must always be prepared for such events. That's why our school is very active in implementing earthquake and fire drills.

image.png photography by @gohenry | Earthquake and Fire Drill

In calamity, the youth should be prepared and knowledgeable about what to do. I am grateful for schools' efforts because they conduct monthly earthquake and fire drills that educate the youth on what should be done in such tragedies in our surroundings.

image.pngphotography by @gohenry | Earthquake and Fire Drill

Due to climate change and global warming, the weather seems to have become increasingly unpredictable. Everything has become extreme, such as the intense heat. Over the past few months, there have been numerous reports of fires here in our province of Cebu. That's why everyone should be prepared to prevent incidents like these fires.



photography by @gohenry | Earquake Drill

Regarding earthquakes, back in 2013 when I was still a student, I experienced an earthquake where my house collapsed. During that time, I didn't know what to do. The damages to buildings and establishments in Cebu City were severe, and the aftershocks were terrifying. That experience was not easy, especially since I didn't know what to do during an earthquake.

image.pngphotography by @gohenry | Earquake Drill

Now, as a teacher in this school, I am immensely thankful that there is already a program like earthquake and fire drills in place to educate the students on what to do. Tragedies can strike anytime, so everyone should be prepared to avoid disasters and loss of lives.

image.pngphotography by @gohenry | Earquake Drill

Earthquake and Fire Drill | Daily Monomad Challenge


Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

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