Monomad: Mushrooms in the rainy season

in Black And White2 years ago (edited)

Hi everybody!

Here is my contribution to the #monomad challenge hosted by @monochromes

The rainy season in January provides many benefits for biodiversity, trees and small plants look more colorful and fresh.

Many mushrooms grow among the grass and rotting logs, mushrooms are one of the plants that grow a lot during the rainy season. This plant has many different types. The following are the fungus Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis gabeltrichterling and the mushroom Krepidotus variabilis which I found a few days ago.

Hunting mushrooms is indeed very fun, especially the mushrooms that we meet are edible mushrooms. So never get bored to hunt for beautiful mushroom mushrooms.

img_0.20916922438594535.jpg Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis gabeltrichterling

img_0.2956092370777158.jpg Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis gabeltrichterling

img_0.14266962259382893.jpg Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis gabeltrichterling

img_0.14922241523772115.jpg Krepidotus variabilis

img_0.41439524062477684.jpg Krepidotus variabilis

img_0.4230858378999107.jpg Krepidotus variabilis

img_0.9001836735302117.jpg Krepidotus variabilis


CameraRealme 8 Pro + macro lens
CategoryPhotography fungi
Light processingLightroom mobile
LocationAceh, Indonesia

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