[ESP]|[ENG] Retraté a toda una familia en B/W | I portrayed a whole family in B/W

in Black And Whitelast year

Hola Bonita comunidad de Hive espero tengan un excelente día lleno de buenas vibras. Hoy les traigo un set de fotografías de retrato en blanco y negro y las usaré como entrada para el concurso #monomad challenge.

A través de estos retratos he ido conectando con mas personas y me ha hecho salir de mi zona de confort a probar cosas nuevas... Esta vez le pregunté a esta familia si poda retratarlos y me dijeron muy amablemente que si...

Los retratos y los integrantes de la familia son :


Hello beautiful Hive community I hope you have an excellent day full of good vibes. Today I bring you a set of black and white portrait photos that I will use as an entry for the #monomad challenge contest.

Through these portraits I have been connecting with more people and it has made me leave my comfort zone to try new things... This time I asked this family if I could photograph them and they kindly said yes...

The portraits and members of the family are:








Las mascotas también son parte de la familia

Pets are part of the family too

"This is my entry for the #monomad challenge"

En la edición me sorprendí que pude ver mi silueta en el ojo del perro

In the edition I was surprised that I could see my silhouette in the dog's eye

Últimamente he estado experimentando y explorando en el mundo de la fotografía en blanco y negro, me gusta como en la "simpleza" de estos retratos podemos observar la esencia pura de la persona, con la mirada en sus ojos nos da a conocer un poco de su personalidad.

Lately I have been experimenting and exploring the world of black and white photography, I like how in the "simplicity" of these portraits we can observe the pure essence of the person, with the look in his eyes they reveals a bit of their personality.



 last year  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!

Thanks you really much!!

Everything looks prettier and purer in black and white.

Todo se ve más bonito y puro a blanco y negro.

That is really true!