Monomad: Cemetery Statue in Monochrome

I spent sometime with this statue capturing different angles seeing what views I could get. When I decided to converted to black and white the ideas started flowing.
May 14 2014-8.jpg
Nikon D7000 1/160 sec f/11 ISO-100 at 105mm

Here I kept the colors in the background while changing just the statue to monochrome
May 14 2014-12-2.jpg
Nikon D7000 1/160 sec f/11 ISO-100 at 105mm

For this one I went darker, I adjusted contrast and shadows to make something much darker while boosting the highlights to bring out the lighter parts.
May 14 2014-13-2.jpg
Nikon D7000 1/640 sec f/11 ISO-100 at 105mm


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Beautiful photo☺️

Thanks very much!