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RE: Spokane Streets: Monomad Challenge

in Black And Whitelast year

Things here feel alive, whereas the city is just in motion.

That's an interesting distinction. I recently moved to a small town, and am so very much more happy here than I was in the more urban environments I had lived in for forty years prior. We have lots of "weird," eccentric artists, red necks, and off-gridders living in our hills, more than enough to keep me happy among the lakes, rivers, trees and blue blue sky.

Nice post! It got me to appreciating where I am now more fully. Thanks.


Small-town weirdos tend to not leave me feeling uneasy like city weirdos. Celebrate safe eccentricity!

lol! City weirdos are terrified of country weirdos. I try to tell them country weirdos are just like them in most ways, but they don't believe me.

Oh, boy. Out here, there is a latent assumption anyone from rural areas is an illiterate racist sociopath hell-bent on imposing neo-fascism.

you left out homophobic.


yes that is exactly what they think, when in reality, rural people are, in general, no more any of those things than city people are. No one is that, as far as I can tell. That type of person is an illusion, one of many that are fed to us to make us afraid of each other.