"This is my entry for the #monomad challenge"
Hello my friends,
I haven't been on here for a while.
I hope you are all well and prospering on your journeys.
I'm back this time with another photo session with my musician friends, who I usually accompany in some of their shows.
Lately I have't been going out so much, but last Saturday I gave myself the right to distract myself a little and go out to have fun. Obviously, I took the camera and I bring some photographs to share this moment with you.
It was a very pleasant night, with lots of SambaJazz, smiles and cold beer.
I took advantage of the beginning and end of the show to take some pictures, but in the meantime I took the opportunity to completely disconnect. Besides the band, I was with a few more friends and we were talking and drinking while the band played.
I hope to be present here again for the community and whenever possible bring more pictures here.
I hope you like the selection of photos that I bring this time.
Be well everyone and see you in the next post.
Olá meus amigos,
há tempos que não apareço por aqui.
Espero que estejam todos bem e prosperando em suas jornadas.
Volto desta vez com mais uma sessão de fotos com meus amigos músicos, os quais costumo acompanhar em alguns de seus shows.
Ultimamente tenho saído pouco, mas no sábado passado me dei o direito de me distrair um pouco e sair pra me divertir. Obviamente, levei a câmera e trago algumas fotografias para dividir esse momento com vocês.
Foi uma noite muito agradável, regada a muito SambaJazz, sorrisos e cerveja gelada.
Aproveitei o inicio e o final do show para tirar algumas fotos, mas no meio tempo aproveitei para me desligar completamente. Além da banda, estava com mais alguns amigos e ficamos conversando e bebendo enquanto a banda tocava.
Espero voltar a estar presente por aqui pela comunidade e sempre que possível trazer mais fotografias por aqui.
Espero que gostem da seleção de fotos que trago destavez.
Fiquem todos bem e nos vemos no próximo post.
Photos by Nicolas Carreiro
Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!
Thank you, it's a nice surprise and I'm very happy with the result.
Congratulations for the contest and for the beautiful images of the participants
Those are fantastic! I am particularly in love with that first photo, though the emotion really comes out in all of them. Love the pictures of the drummer, too!
This is wonderful