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RE: Pondering Hive

in Black And White2 years ago

I just plod along doing what I enjoy, communicating with those whose posts aphave continued to catch my eye and with those that communicate with me. The big votes are a bonus but slowly slowly if we stick to what we do we may build up our own community of followers and people we follow. I hear what you’re saying thiugh and have often felt the same. I only do manual voting as it keeps it rewl for me


Yeah, my approach is much the same as yours it seems. I wasn't writing this to criticize the way things are so much as trying to make sense of it. I'm pretty sure there's a connection there somewhere between just plodding along and communicating and the votes, the more you plod along the more likely you are to have a curator for one of the trails find your post. I used to do only manual voting but I have the attention span of a coked out squirrel so I started doing some automatic stuff to cover for the times I've gotten distracted and wandered away from hive for a bit.