These are street details - Monomad Challenge



For today I show you this series of photographs that I took with my cell phone, in which it is not so common to take photographs with the cell phone but this day it was my turn because just when I was walking on the street my camera battery ran out and I did not have spare batteries, you always have to be prepared for this but it happens sometimes. Therefore I did not want to miss the opportunity of this tour to take some images of the street and well this way I see how the photographs come out with the cell phone, a device that let's say has a regular camera but sometimes good things come out.



They are simple details of the street, with its elements of high contrast, a bit of shadows and texture in the images, although for these photos they had to capture the images as close as possible because the cell phone when you apply zoom is not so effective, it loses sharpness and quality in the image, sometimes I think that the older the cell phone is the lower the quality of its camera or at least that is what I remember when I bought it that the photographs came out much better, it must be the same as a photographic camera that the more photos you take and it reaches its capacity the more its components get damaged.



All photographs are my own.



Man even with your phone, you could get such lovely shots. you are so awesome man.

It's a cool picture, you took it with a smartphone camera but the results are spectacular my friend 👍

Greetings my friend, it has happened to me the same way a couple of times the camera charge runs out and I have to grab the cell phone, but I have taken good pictures, your pictures are great, I love them.

Also my friend, thanks for commenting.