Don't Idolize Your Possessions

in The Kingdom5 days ago

Anything that you allow to hinder your full service to God is an idol to you.

It's taking the place of God on the throne of your heart. And you have become to cause that thing to be what you give your allegiance to.


I don't care if it's your phone. I don't care if it's a person. I don't care if it's your job. I don't care if it's your children. I could care less.

If it is hindering your full service to God because you're allowing it to, you've made it an idol. And it doesn't mean you can't love other things. It don't mean you can't love other people.

It means that the people that you love and the things that you love should not take precedence of God in your life.

In fact, you should look at those things and those people and say, how can I glorify and honor God with them?

How can I glorify and honor God through this relationship?

How can I glorify and honor God with this finances?

How can I glorify and honor God with this platform, this car, these shoes, these clothes, these children, my husband, my wife, my friendships?

How can I honor God with the healing of my body?