I love talking about my faith around social media....
And don't get me wrong, I know this can be a hot topic at times. Remember as they say, there are 2 things you should never discuss openly....Your faith and politics!!!
Well, that isn't the case for this guy. And it's not some prideful thing that makes me share my thoughts about faith, it's a discussion and I enjoy it very much. Even when people disagree with me. You see, my faith and my beliefs are very solid. Which means, I'm o.k. with people challenging it. Because 100% of everything I believe comes from Scripture.
Let me discuss that in a second, but back to the social media discussion I was having yesterday on FaceBook.
Essentially, I was discussing religion and faith with a member of the new age movement. The general idea behind this gentlemen's opinion is that there are many ways to heaven or nirvana as they call it. And not one religion can claim superiority. And that's politically correct and all, but what does the bible say?
So the bible is clear, the only way to the Father God is....Through Christ.
O.k., I'll leave that alone because there were other things that were brought up in the discussion. The gentlemen claimed that Jesus travelled the world and met with religious masters from every faith. Which I'm sure some secular book might have mentioned in the past but remember what I wrote above.....
My faith is solid because I derive it from....The Scriptures.
When it comes to my relationship with the Lord and my walk if it's not in the 66 books of canon, I kind of ignore it.
And again, this isn't a pride thing....This is a faith thing. Everyone has faith, whether you believe in God or not, everyone must develop their beliefs on something. And for me, it's the Holy Bible.
So when I was told, Jesus travelled the world....I simply asked, where does it say that in the bible?
He couldn't respond.
This is a big nugget for anyone that follows Jesus. You will be tempted by doctrines of devils. You will be tried and tested for your beliefs. But if you rest on 'Thus Saith The Lord' you will be alright :)
So back to the discussion....Here's my thought on 'other religions and beliefs'.
I respect you, and I respect your ability to choose! You see, God doesn't want to force religion on anyone. If He did, he wouldn't be love (1 John 4:8). So with that freedom of choice, human beings are able to believe or not believe. That is their God given right and ability.
So whatever you believe, while I may not agree with it, I will always respect your ability to choose. That's religious freedom. And that's why I can have discussions with new age believers and not puff up my chest and demand they repent or else lol
That's not my job as a Christian. My 'job' is to give it all to Him. Follow His example and share the good news whenever I can.
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I always wonder when some persons say we serve thesame God when clearly we don't,these are from persons from other religions.Usually i ignore them because our God is not a God of confusion,if such a person is truly a born again Christian, I don't think such a person need any conviction, let holy spirit be their guide.
God is not a God of confusion. Amen and amen!!!
The devil is always there to lure people into bad things but we are left to choose staying with God and following the ways of Christ
God doesn’t force religion on people as long as we all will reap what we sow
Amen and amen!
Sad but true. It's never meant to be forced upon anyone.
We say;
Everybody's religion is their own business, not our.
I personally don't have any issue with anyone talking about their faith.
Yea that narrative just creates more separation. Talk about everything publicly except God...keep him in the closet smh
And we wonder why things are the way they are
Yeah it's just weird to me. I'll proclaim it from the mountain tops :)