What Company Do You Work For?

in The Kingdom4 days ago

I've been on the road for the past week and a half, so apologies in advance for the lack of content. This has been the first time I've done this new route with my job, so I'm getting the hang of everything...

It's a lot different when you are driving a tractor trailer around small town Canada, going from church to church. You see, most other truck drivers are going from one shipping dock to another. So they have plenty of room to maneuver, back up, turn around etc.

Not so much with this route lol I am literally trying to find my way through small back alleys and proper parking lots to set up. So it's been a challenge.

I had a fun little conversation this morning with a guy at the local Subway I was at when grabbing a bite to eat. He saw the truck and was really confused about what exactly I was 'shipping'.

You see, my job is part of a ministry that brings books, bibles and healthy food options to small communities that don't have access to it in western Canada. When the guy asked me, what company do you work for....I replied, my church.

He was trying to figure this out because most churches in Canada don't have a mobile store that goes from small community to the next. This job is very unique in that way.

I love it because I get to spread the gospel in my own unique way. Without being pushy. Without beating people over the head with the bible. I simply, show up!

People see the truck, and they get curious. Many times people just come through the doors to see what we are selling. It's allowed me to witness to different people that may not have been exposed to the gospel. This is such a blessing for me.

I admit, I wish we sold more books and bibles then 'health food' but it's part of the overall health message of my church. It's a great way to let people see the healing power of Jesus and a way to introduce them to salvation.

Nothing too deep this morning, but I thought I would just update you guys on my trip. I'm about to set up shop here in Saskatchewan, and then make my way back to Alberta in the next few days. So far, the trip has been great. Lots to see along the way, and plenty of awesome people that have come through the doors!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I think it's a valid question and I think it all helps. I am glad to hear that you are enjoying your trips. I also don't think I have heard about mobile church stores eitehr.

I didn't know that you work for church with the truck.

A lot of people are actually going to find it so weird that someone works in the church. I never knew people work in the church until I knew you

Interesting approach. I like it.
It's a good way to spread love and kindness.


Posted using The BBH Project

That's actually new, well it help reach many people as fast as possible.


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