Myrick Walkabout : Breaking out the Fujifilm x100v


I decided to put in a Kodachrome type recipe into the custom settings of the Fujifilm, and play around with all the blue in the area this past weekend. That entailed a walk to our local marshlands...the La Crosse River Marsh.



I didn't put any additional editing on these photos, aside from tightening up the histogram tails. I do like the look of the blue and greens when I used this recipe with my camera.




All in all, I'm still trying to figure out this camera but it is slowly coming along. THere is always a learning curve, I get it. I just need more time to really dig into it...but hey, I'll get there.



For the next round, I think I may check out a local rail car to get in some rail car colors.


Your photos have the spirit and the place as well. Some cinematic energy, right ;)
With regards to using the camera, I think you've figured it out already.

Thank you! Yeah, sort of figuring it out when I have the chance to. So much to learn with the Fuji tbh

Yes, there is a steep learning curve :) I remember my confusion when I touched one for the first time, controls are very different than those of Canon bodies :)

I love a good Fujifilm film simulation - I often shot Astia for my black and white work, there is something about doing it 'In camera' that I like.

it is a whole new view, isn't it? I am still struggling with the dial for light, but getting there