A Top 100 Player Dared Me to Use This

in Axie Buzz2 years ago


At this point in Axie Infinity v2, I am getting desperate for new ideas.

It's harder and harder to find a novel build that doesn't just get crushed by the meta... there are so many players, even all the way down the ladder, who are running insanely strong builds.

But I always find something...

A Little Help From My Friends

This bug comes from Joao Viana, a top 100 player. He's loaned me several Axies to play around with this season so shout outs to him!

The bug is weird though -- if it had cottontail it would be super strong, but carrot is a lot more dicey. The only way to get energy from carrot is if the opponent breaks your shield, a condition that is quite hard to guarantee.

The only way to get value from this axie will be to time the attacks very well.

Will it Win?

The team comp is actually pretty clever for this one.

Watch the video for a bunch of highlight matches with this bug.


I saw you made it to minnow on Hive! Congrats. @tenkminnow will be voting for other people now.

Sounds good mate

Man, what a great team, it's a little different than usual but it's very efficient, mosquito is one of the best cards.

thanks -- Mosquito is contender for best card in the game right now imo