Tourney announcement, HPPT #2

in HivePoker2 months ago



Saturday, April 13th
@ 7pm UTC*

* Google link for your convenience

If you haven't, please add you Poker Now name in the comments to this peakd-post or this inleo-post
(same post, just different sites)


In the last tourney I had announced, the plan was to have the tourney start by itself. This did not happen, and I had to start it manually. Fortunately I am able to do this with less hassle than last time 😃

Current standing / last rounds results / Extra reward

We currently have 2 players who won points last round. This is our current standing:

In the next round on Saturday, there will be a bounty for the one who knock out @riandeuk who won the previous round by beating @tengolotodo to the victory.

Personally I think the bounty should be 50% beneficiary for the result post.
Let me know if you disagree and we'll change it to either $HIVE or $HBD


The blind levels in this round will be a bit different. I'll stick to the 5 minute blind levels in the beginning and we'll be doing 8 levels before the break. The entire blind structure:

  • 25/50 (5min)
  • 30/60 (5min)
  • 40/80 (5min)
  • 50/100 (5min)
  • 75/150 (5min)
  • 100/200 (5min)
  • 150/300 (15min)
  • 200/400 (10min)
  • break (5min)
  • 250/500 (10min)
  • 300/600 (10min)
  • 400/800 (10min)
  • 500/1000 (∞min)

This different structure should do so that it will be more fun as you will have higher blinds but also a bigget stack.
I'll bet you 5 $HIVE that the final stage is not reached. 5 $HIVE for each participant still in the game by then.
Game on!


You'll find the link right here or here:

Keeping track

As I do need to keep track of things, I would greatly appriciate if you could add you Poker Now name as a comment in this post - if you haven't already done so.

Inleo link: here

Thank you in advance!


Until next time,
take care friends.


The Dealer


This post is using to get liquid $HIVE towards the end of season prizepool for easier conversion

Posted Using InLeo Alpha



Feeling like there's a big fuckin target on my back 😆

Oh, but... there is 😜

Unfortunately got plans this Saturday so won't be able to make it. Next week should be good though!

I invite you to read this post

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@awildovasquez @p1k4ppa10 @yeckingo1 @snook @rpren @solymi @kenny-crane @guitarmcy @bob3k @tengolotodo @tengolotodo.leo @sevendst19 @blanchy @caspermoeller89 @brando28 @anderssinho @buggedout @rentmoney @karmoid @riandeuk @memess @richgaynor @thatcryptodave @slothlydoesit @pvmihalache

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