in Hive Students Hub11 months ago

"A little more persistence, a little more effort and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success."Elbert Hubbard

This photo is from @grsyll

Good day, Hivers!

It’s me again, your artist from The Philippines — Agnola. How’s your week so far? Are you doing fine or just-just? Well, for me, it is very exhausting. Not having enough of sleep, no appetite, tired and stressed. I am no longer have the strength to carry on another day but I am not a quitter even though I got sick. Because I do be believe, “all your hard work will be paid off” and it was.

From doubting, to being confused, to questioning, this is the cycle I have been experienced a week before our Pre-Oral Defense. There is also a time for what’s if and such. But I believe that we can do it, taking one step at a time.


I still have duties and reportings, messed mind and uneasy feeling. I wasn't able to practice time management since managing my time is not in my list. I do working my activities late at night, sometimes, surf and I tolerated myself or gaslighting myself thatI I can still do all of it. I am tired, those activities put me in a chokehold. But I still managed to smile and think that everything is okay but it wasn't. Everything feels so heavy, from a draining actions in the classroom, the environment and such. They keep on draining me.


I pray to God Almighty. I pray all that keeps me draining, I pray all the doubt and worries, I pray for everything. The Priest said, “If it is God’s will, it will be done.” I hold unto that prayer, I believe He will always be there for me. And thank you Lord, Our Father, He guided me, and everything fall into the right place.




YES! Pre-Oral Defended. After all the sleepless nights and restless nights, finally, we did it. And again, I hoped and prayed for this Pre-Oral will be successful and it was. That is why I am very happy, and after this, there’s another battle I will face but I am stronger than before. I discovered new things and get to know more the people who’s I am with and those people that surrounds me. Some of it are goods news but some of it is also disappointments because I wasn't expecting it, lol. But glad, I knew it. Anyhoo, let’s go back, defending our pre-oral wasn't easy, things happened in our group that really test everyone's patience and stuff. But over all, we managed to survive that.


After the said meeting, we have decided to eat LOMI. It’s time to have some good foods and chill after the Pre-Oral. I was full and so my friends. We wasn't able to finish our foods because we are already full. That is only for 99 pesos but it was sulit. After that, we have decided to go home and finally, we can sleep peacefully and get ready for another week, an exam week.

You have reached the end of my blog. Thank you for reading.


Congratulations! Another achievement unlocked for you, a final defense left and you'll finally graduate.

Congratulations @agnola. 👏👏

It is good that you achieved the defense, despite the great effort you made, nothing like finishing these evaluations sharing with your friends, congratulations.