
in THE 2020s5 days ago

1162/ Spike linking to Roblox makes me think Spike is only 15 years old and should probably not be promoted especially with how Spike talks and what Spike says is very like childish minus maybe a few interesting things Spike maybe said a few times.

1167/ Oatmeal Heirs continue my legacy by doing everything I've been doing everywhere online and offline all my life these past forty years since 1985.

Jimmy Carter died; videos: TikTok duets; watched: Karate Dojo waKu - Japanese Karate Sensei Reacts To Cobra Kai Season 6 Ep.1, Shrinking 203-204, MAGA Wars Begin: Heated Debate Over H-1B Visas Take Over Christmas Discourse! FULL SHOW 12/27/24, Viva & Barnes - Ep. 243: HOLIDAY SPECIAL! The Great H1B Visa Debate! Jay z Gets Scorched! Attack in Germany! & MORE


Screenshot at 2024-12-29 18-12-25.png
Saved By The Bell

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-12-29 - Sunday | Published in December of 2024


Discord Screenshot at 2024-09-01 00-04-34.png

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In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2024-12-28 - Sunday - 02:40 AM - Discord Log

1162/ Spike linking to Roblox makes me think Spike is only 15 years old and should probably not be promoted especially with how Spike talks and what Spike says is very like childish minus maybe a few interesting things Spike maybe said a few times. 12:28 PM: 1163/ How does Roblox know how old you are if that violates the 4th amendment? 1164/ Spike spammed a photo of his alleged wife and kids; if people simply reverse-search that image, you might find out Spike stole that photo from some other man's family; people should vet Spike; I don't know if Spike is lying about his age or not. 1165/ Fake news, you should be demoted for lying, mods and up can manage roles. 1166/ Top two purposes of Oatmeal World is to cultivate Oatmeal Heirs and to attract builders who build things as to help them build things. 1167/ Oatmeal Heirs continue my legacy by doing everything I've been doing everywhere online and offline all my life these past forty years since 1985. 1168/ Rules for promotions, there are roughly 100 main roles, positions, or levels; everyone should begin in level 1 and should be eligible to apply for a higher role or level once a week, month, or year; if you're demoted, you might have to start all over; exceptions may apply. 1169/ But everyone should only go up one role or level at a time, that is why the main roles are numbered from 1 to almost 100, the highest number is 96 right now, please don't skip levels; you should go up one level once a year or maybe once a week at the fastest. 1170/ When you join the server, you start off at level 1 and you could possibly be eligible to apply for level 2 in one year and then apply for ultimate owner in a century or one hundred years after joining; but builders and heirs can skip the line to immediately apply for owner. 1171/ Most of the members in our Oatmeal World Discord Server are monsters, scammers, kids, weirdos, destroyers, haters, losers, criminals, and/or trolls like stgoat821 at stg821 at ID number 990738231781896272 who lies about me and anybody promoting this fool should be demoted.

Twitter Tweets

12:07 PM

Immigration should be vetted mostly on the city level meaning you should apply with a city

In other words, instead of making it merely a state or federal issue, to make it into America, your green card or visa should be voted on or decided upon by local town halls inside individual communities in small towns and not so much within giant metros like Chicago

Local communities should determine how many foreigners they want to accept on a local level, meaning on a city level, that is what I would say to Trump and Elon Musk and Vivek

This should not simply be a federal or state issue, there needs to be more accountability with who is let into the country, we need more transparency, local cities should be making these decisions as immigration affects them on a local level and different communities may have different needs

Let the foreign workers work for a month or a limited time and then choose to extend their work visas or have them return to their countries; foreigners shouldn't always be given a false hope that they can come and live off welfare forever paid for by American tax-payers while American military veterans die homeless on the streets all over the United States; we got to minimize welfare for everybody including for foreigners

The H-1B Visas debate is hot but the bigger problem is illegal aliens flooding the open borders; we have to finish building the wall; we have to try to deport undocumented migrants or alleged refugees

The path to citizenship should be as fair as possible as we try to hire foreigners suitable for the jobs at hand; but at the same time, we should also focus more so on trying to hire legal Americans as well who are homeless or stuck on welfare or disabled or what have you

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Shrinking 203-204

2024-12-29 - Sunday - 01:47 AM - Shrinking 203-204

She meets the man who killed her mom. She kiss somebody's red head BF.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:22 AM
Karate Dojo waKu - Japanese Karate Sensei Reacts To Cobra Kai Season 6 Ep.1

Shrinking 203-204

2024-12-29 - Sunday - 01:47 AM - Shrinking 203-204

11:31 AM
MAGA Wars Begin: Heated Debate Over H-1B Visas Take Over Christmas Discourse! FULL SHOW 12/27/24

06:16 PM
Viva & Barnes - Ep. 243: HOLIDAY SPECIAL! The Great H1B Visa Debate! Jay z Gets Scorched! Attack in Germany! & MORE!

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated to different websites daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed around 3 AM. Awoke around 10:40 AM. I almost remembered my dreams but they are gone now. Talked to mom this morning about how some germs were killed inside his guts partly due to pain medicine given from the dentist. Then bad germs grew. Then there was clogging in the guts. Muscles spasms or hiccups around the guts. Like a kink. Breakfast: 11:25 AM. Lunch: 12:24 PM. Dishes. Compost. RV coffee. Dinner: 07:00 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, 11:25 AM. Lunch: yogurt in a cup, 12:24 PM. Green vegetable thing which was good, 01:38 PM. Dinner: soup stuff from that fridge jar with rice and meat broth from the big instant cooker, 07:00 PM. Nuts, 08:50 PM. Tea, 09:00 PM.


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