
Some vaccines at some point had a purpose, but I fear that purpose has been hijacked and perverse by governments and big pharma..

The data so far from it being rolled out shows it basically as likely to kill you as covid will.. That is fuckin' ridiculous!

Most vaccines took decades to come out.. not 6 months.. I think the vaccine is MORE likely to kill you than COVID is..

Your point is as valid as “most electronic devices took decades to develop, I won’t use any phone or computer released last year”

Science grows and development gets faster and better. It takes a few months of design to manufacture a processor take uses transistors that are just a few atoms wide. Why would you expect vaccines to also not evolve and forever “take decades to develop” for each new variant of the virus?

When I start injecting electronics I'll take this under advisement.. you are certainly free to inject yourself.. but I don't trust the people pushing it. They're literally paying people to get it.

How do you know electronics are safe and vaccines are not?
Remember people used to think radioactive materials were healthy and had beauty stuff made with Uranium? It took decades to discover. Same with tobacco. Same with canned food.

Where do you draw the line of when/what/where/how you consider safe?

Also, they are paying people to install phone towers near you, how do you know they are safe? We like under capitalism and people get paid…. I didn’t get your point about payment nor about how electronics are safe because they are not injected, because uranium was also not injected, mercury was not injected, yet people thought it was safe.

Some coherence is needed. We all are incoherent somehow, but there must be logic to it

Yep. Sort of thinking along the same lines.. Not only was this shit rushed as hell, it's also somewhat experimental in nature in it's operation of biological mechanism..

I think I'll hold off indefinitely.. Or atleast until the technology is proven to not be some type of trojan horse for something nastier.