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RE: Covid-19 Vaccinated Crowd is Being Polarized Against the Unvaccinated in a Classic Display of Divide and Conquer...

in H.A.T.E.D3 years ago

I got the vaccine, I'm not against those that haven't, I don't think it's wise for your health to skip it... I think you're a bit delusional, as with most commenters here, but eh, that's your choice.

I don't buy into this divide and conquer narrative either... I think it's a bit of paranoia grasping at straws... And perpetuating, nay, manifesting, your own insecurities. Idk, I just don't buy into it. Then again, I don't drink tap water myself because fuck that... Can't trust the water source anywhere tbh.. and there are far worse things all around us that can end our lives much faster then the vaccine...

But hey, this is the echo chamber.. so carry on and you do you boo. LoL.


Hey man, if you took the shot then I appreciate you taking one for the team.. If folks get vaccinated eventually "herd immunity" or whatever kicks in right?

I don't expect everyone to see things as I do or anyone else in the echo chamber does, and I totally agree on the tap water thing.. Shit is nasty and government supplied.

I'm not sure if the vaccine is intended to damage this generation so much as the next generations.. But we won't know for sure for a while. Hoping this doesn't turn into a thalidomide baby type situation but rather than physical deformity its mental deformity.

Respect your thoughts on it, completely think it's probably unwise to take what amounts to an untested vaccine, but you're crazier or braver than I am, which is respectable. :P

My father was brave stupid for signing up for Vietnam deployment and intake mass amounts of agent orange... But here we are.. mostly functioning. LoL.

I'm no doctor, and I'm not gonna listen to some YouTube/TikTok whackjobs, so I won't say much of anything as for facts on herd immunity, but we'll likely never hit that... Not without the majority being vaccinated... Like 90% (made up statistic, because I really don't know but I feel it's a high percentage)...

Also, have you looked up the ingredients for your food? Like bust out the label for everything you consume for a week, and lookup every ingredient.... You'd be surprised the shit you are already ingesting ... Unless you have your own farm and running off rainwater collection (still not safe from microplastics, as those have even been found in the fucking rain)... So.... Likely already fucked, but hey.. at least if you die from lack of a silly shot, you won't be around to enjoy the other side effects of large amounts of microplastics flowing through your veins... LoL..

Idk, I guess what I'm getting at is there are bigger battles to be worried about then a shot that's really insignificant when measured on the scale of your life.

It's not about taking the shot, so much as governments enforcing the fucking thing and or restricting the lives of those who haven't gotten it.. That shit is a SUPER slippery slope when it comes to tyranny.

Your old man fought in a prime example of the US doing some questionable shit, it's very similar to how Afghanistan turned out this last go around, Didn't really accomplish much in these wars sadly, lots of loss of life though, with few even profiting off the whole thing..

Can't say I disagree with the food on the shelves is fucked and not really fit for human consumption. Growing a modest garden personally as that what I've got room to do, but yeah, so much garbage on the shelves.

Looking at places like Israel where 100% of the population was vaccinated allegedly and it's still getting it's ass whooped by covid supposedly.. Then you have instances like Patrick King up here in Canada taking on the courts and government who went on record saying they can't provide evidence of COVID in humans...

It's deeper than just some untested trojan horse injection.. I wish it was just paranoia but the jab itself is just the spear head of something way more fucking sinister it feels.

Yea, the military is the testbed for crazy whacky govt ideas... That's for sure.

Idk how I feel about the segregation that's being reported for vaccinated vs un... I dont see it myself in day to day life... Most public spaces I've been have thrown caution to the wind and YOLOing the fuck out of "we have the vaccine, we're good now" and most aren't using masks and going back to life as it was before the whole covid thing.. I guess only time will tell who was really right. And my region is listed as a red zone... Gotta love those ultra conservative area types.. lol. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

And Biden just said he'd send 5k troops to Afghanistan... So who even knows what's goin on over there with the Taliban playing games with the world police.... Like at least wait til a full withdrawal of US troops before ya start stirring shut up again,... Makes no sense imo. But I don't know anyone in that area of the world to have a chat about with what's really going on, just what NPR plays on their bits with "people from the area" saying they want world support and bodies on the ground helping them fight back their local "terrorists"... Another loaded term, that nasty "T-word"... Humans need to just figure out working together to resolve shit, instead of flinging poo out of ever bigger cannons..