Selfies on my second day of wisdom tooth recovery [ESP-ENG]

in Liketu23 days ago


Parece mentira, pero ya llevo más de un mes sin interactuar por acá, sinceramente ha sido un mes bastante movido, cargado de muchas emociones, de cosas super lindas y demás, sin embargo, por alguna razón, aunque anhelaba volver a hive, muchas veces el cansancio entre otras cosas no me lo han permitido, es por esa razón, que decidí el día de hoy compartirles estás fotos que me tomé el día de hoy, dónde me sentia bastante linda, incluso con mi carita inflamada, debido a que hace dos dias me realizaron la extracción de la segunda cordal, sinceramente ya quiero que me retiren el resto,ya que, está vez, a diferencia de la vez pasada, sentí muchísimo dolor y fueron minutos demasiado traumáticos para mí, tanto así, que dure llorando todo el día de solo recordar todo lo que pase, siento que mi miedo al dentista poco se desvanece, al contrario se intensifica, puede parecer exagerado, pero sinceramente este tipo de experiencias para mí resultan muy traumáticas, espero pronto retirarme las dos muelas que me hacen falta y por fin salir de eso y bueno, sin más que decir, deseo que sus vidas esten marchando de maravilla y pronto volveré a compartir con ustedes mi contenido mas seguido, les mando un abrazo 💗✨


It seems unbelievable, but I haven't interacted here for more than a month, honestly it has been a pretty hectic month, full of many emotions, super cute things and so on, however, for some reason, although I longed to return to hive, many times Tiredness among other things has not allowed me, it is for that reason that I decided today to share with you these photos that I took today, where I felt quite pretty, even with my swollen face, because two years ago days ago they performed the extraction of the second wisdom tooth, sincerely I want them to remove the rest, since, this time, unlike the last time, I felt a lot of pain and they were too traumatic minutes for me, so much so that I continued crying the entire time. the day of just remembering everything that happened, I feel that my fear of the dentist fades little, on the contrary it intensifies, it may seem exaggerated, but honestly these types of experiences are very traumatic for me, I hope to soon remove the two teeth that make me missing and finally get out of that and well, without more to say, I hope that your lives are going wonderfully and soon I will share with you my content more often, I send you a hug 💗✨

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I just got mine removed recently and I only felt the pain the first day