Morning walk.

in Liketulast month


Hi, I hope you had a nice start of the week, nothing better than getting active early in the morning with a walk, I have the advantage of living very close to the beach, so I enjoy this breeze, this marine environment from very early in the morning. Walking is a very healthy activity, we live in a world that can be very stressful and we have to look for options that allow us to feel good, away from the sedentary lifestyle, I work from home and although it is an advantage also if I neglect it absorbs me, so I always try to go out, walk, exercise.

The best of the world to you who read me, thanks for being here, see you soon. The photos were taken with Redmi Note11 phone. Margarita Island, Venezuela.

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es muy bueno estar activo, animos!!

🤣🤣🤣👍👍Seguro mi niña linda.