Hello friends, how are you?
In this Thursday I would like to walk with you on my day in facing one of my fears-job interviews.
I love earning money and collaborating with people but with my insecurities in oral communication, I hate being in an interview at all but still, I have to remind myself that this is the beginning of an endless challenge that you'll face in life and why not just have a positive mindset and always think how you should try things that scares you.
Okay, this morning, I woke up at 9 and prepared until 10 for going to school.
I was about to go already but since my mom had asked me something to do and my friend asked to print her application which spoiler alert, she didn't even apply made me somehow late to the appointment of 12 pm. although I am not late but, in my mind, I wanted to go there before 1.
Fast forward, my friend was still not there at the school because she has to get her PSA birth certificate so I spent my time with another friend.
Still waiting for my friend, my other friend came, and she accompanied me to prepare for the interviews.
I signed up for registration and the officers in charge of the event were very accommodating and helped me picked up which company I should go.
My mind was very positive at times but there was always a fear in me and took me 20 minutes to go to one of the booths available.
I was able to start my application at QQ, followed at IPI, MEMO English, San Miguel and Sacred Heart Hijas de Jesus
I am grateful that the recruiting managers were kind and very accommodating to me today and slowly helped me to conquer my fear.
I also noticed how I talk a lot when I am not confident on my answers and my sentences go incoherent.
As well as questions like tell me about which some of the answers I told was not focused on the contributions I had made while in my previous experiences rather, literally telling what it is about.
Overall, I was glad I made it.
Also met my friend who I am supposed to be with and talked for more than half an hour.
I also met a friend whom her OJT just ended.
Going home, I met my friend (childhood) going to her work to Consolacion and met with my best friend and we ate Jollibee talking about Emirates.
I went home somehow exhausted yet managed to edit my mom commanded of me and we went to a food park near our house and ate ice cream, burgers and fries!
Later that night, I washed the dishes, mop the floor, do my routine and write this one down and it's 1:19 am but will be uploading it hopefully tomorrow..
This day has been memorable and long and I hope the perseverance, positive attitude and mindset and belief on yourself still continues.
Thank you for listening and I hope you will have a good day ahead. 💚