The next Bookclub meeting at KBK (@krolestwo) will take place on Saturday 12th March, that being the second Saturday of the month. For the Bookclub is to meet on the second Saturdays of the month. Once Saturday 12th - being the second Saturday of the month - be reached, the Bookclub shall take place.
This post serves the purpose of gathering proposals and votes on the next book to read, because we have not yet decided which book to read next. Thus, if you have a proposal or a preference towards any of the proposals already made, please state it in the comments.
The book that will have most preferences as of Saturday 19th February will be chosen.
That's all. Have a good day.
The Road by Cormack McCarthy.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
My proposal: "Lord Jim" by Joseph Conrad
BTW whenever making such proposal, you should include some date when the final decision will be anounced because we need time to read the book.
Good point. I've edited the post. Thanks!
Grona gniewu (ang. The Grapes of Wrath) – John Steinbeck.