Run on the Sunday, Just 3K

Hello everyone, how are you? The previous day, I ran 3 kilometers. But, today I ran the same distance again. Why? Today, I met a lot of people. So, my running schedule had to be accelerated. Is this a celebration too?

After I ran, I made up with my friend after a year and a half we didn't greet each other. I felt relieved to be able to greet and forgive each other again. Actually, I probably ran for about 30 minutes.


Picture by Nurdiani Latifah


Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

The thing that took me a long time was to refill my internet quota first. And waiting for the Maghrib call to prayer to finish. The Maghrib call to prayer is a sign to break the fast. It felt bad if I had to run but it was right at Maghrib time. So, I took a little longer.

After running, I cleaned up and met my friend. Previously, I felt my body was a little heavy when I ran. I thought, is this because I still have something bothering me with my friend. So, after running I decided to meet with me.


Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

After meeting, my body felt lighter and without burden. Actually, I have forgiven him a long time ago. It's just me, there are some things that I haven't told him. I waited for my friend to contact me. Until, I waited for more than a year but he never came.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about my running route. I used the route yesterday. Salemba area to Sentiong area. I thought if this route could be more than 5K but, it turned out to be only 3K. How about my Pace?


Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

I don't know if this Pace is improving or not. The Pace on the first lap was around 8:18 with my highest Pace reaching 9:19. I think, I remember one of the members of the hive run, if regular training can make Pace faster. I think, I need to train my legs too. That's all I can tell, see you in the next story.


Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

About Author

Nurdiani Latifah

My name is Nurdiani Latifah. I live in Jakarta – Indonesia, and after 25 years I live in Bandung. I am a media staff at an NGO in Indonesia. I have worked in this institution for almost 2 years on issues of women and peace. I have been a journalist in Bandung for 3 years.

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