Hot pot for lunch 🔥 ♨️ 🤤

in GEMS2 years ago

Hello everyone, I just want to shared our simple lunch today. My boss and I decided to have a hot pot for lunch because we haven't eaten these foods for a long time and it's raining today, so it's nice to sip hot soup.

We prepared a lot at the table like fishballs, shrimp, fish skin, vegetables, noodles cheese balls, pork meat,beef meat and much more. We didn't run out while we ate, we talked about our vacation because this time is pretty ok the cases of covid have decreased by the mercy of God, so we can go on vacation and relax and rest maybe in month of July.

It's also annoying that the two kids can't wait for the fishballs to be cooked, that's their favorite food of all the food I've prepared in the hot pot. It took about three hours at the table because it took a long time after eating this kind of food, you need to wait until it is cooked one by one if you want to eat 😅.

We all enjoyed while eating because my employers were happy to eat with us like they were just my family. Just for now guy's thank you for reading my simple blog now.









Nice, friendly family) 🥰
Bon appetit!
Delicious, festive, mouth-watering table)