Field work performed by drones.

in GEMS2 years ago


Greetings to all my dear readers and followers of this platform, this time my participation is focused on how technology has advanced so much that we are already thinking about how drones can replace human labor in the agricultural field in the not too distant future. Undoubtedly, the different technological advances that have arisen in this era have allowed that many agricultural tasks that used to take a long time can now be performed in a faster and more accurate way.

Lately drones have gained a very important space in the development of the field, because their versatility and speed with which they are able to develop specific tasks have allowed their adaptability quickly in the productive sector. Today high-tech drones perform activities that were previously performed by man in the field, among these activities we can mention the application of fertilizers, the detection of diseases in crops, counting or tracking of livestock, among many others, these activities were performed by the man in the field and were of long duration due to the limitations of human beings.


With the arrival of high-tech drones, these field tasks are performed in a faster and more accurate way, for example, drones can cover larger areas of land in less time, and with their high precision they can detect diseases in crops and even indicate if there is any pest in them. The great technological advances that have been taking place in the agricultural sector have undoubtedly optimized agricultural and livestock production, resulting in more food for the world's population.

However, is it possible that this specialized drone technology could displace human labor in the agricultural field? I am sure that many of us have asked this question, since the advances in robotics indicate this, for example, there are already robots that perform high-risk surgical operations with incredible precision. In the not too distant future, human labor in the field will be at stake, as more and more important technological advances are being made in the growth of the agricultural field and this translates into greater economic profitability in a shorter period of time.

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