Why should women wear burqa and hijab? women is much more valuable than diamonds.

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

hi friends ..
have a nice day all, hope all are well . today i will share with you guys why it is important for woman to wear burka and hijab .? I would like to discuss this through a conversation. the conversion between a teacher and student.
lets start the conversation .


Teacher: Have you been to any iron shop?
Student: Yes, I went.
Teacher: How is it kept?
Student: Open fair.
Teacher: Did you go to the silver shop?
Student: Yes, I went.
Teacher: How is it kept?
Student: Preserved.
Teacher: Did you go to the gold shop?
Student: Yes, I went.
Teacher: How is it kept?
Student: It is saved more than silver.
Teacher: Did you go to the diamond shop?
Student: Yes, I went.
Teacher: How is it kept?
Student: It is more important than gold.
Teacher: Do you know why?
Student: Because its price is very high, so that it does not get dirty.
The teacher smiled and said: The value and respect of women in Islam is much more than diamonds. So you should wear burqa and hijab.


Student: Is there a problem with the short dress, sir ?!
Teacher: Those who tell you to wear short dresses want to use you like iron. They will mark your body ,It will get dirty and rusty. Then throw it in the dustbin.
They will never think of you as a beautiful diamond, but an iron of use.
Which will be discarded after temporary use. So think with a little conscience, your values, respect and future.
Remember this world is not the end, there is also something called the Hereafter.

শিক্ষক:যারা তোমাকে সর্ট ড্রেস পরতে বলছে, তারা তোমাকে লোহার মত ব্যবহার করতে চাচ্ছে।তারা তোমার শরীরে দাগ দেবে, ময়লা লাগাবে, মরিচা ফেলবে। তারপর ছুড়ে ফেলে দেবে ডাস্টবিনে।ওরা কোনদিন তোমাকে সৌন্দর্যময় হীরা ভাববে না, বরং ভাববে ব্যবহারেরর লোহা। যা সাময়িক ব্যবহারের পর ফেলে দেবে। তাই একটু বিবেক বুদ্ধি দিয়ে ভেবে দেখ, তোমার মান সম্মান ও ভবিষ্যৎ এর কথা । মনে রাখবে এই দুনিয়াই কিন্তু শেষ নয়, আখিরাত বলেও কিছু একটা আছে।

thanks all .