The hunter arranged his black suede hat flush to his eyebrows, with his crossbow loaded, and enough arrows in his bag ... He glanced at his compass from time to time to keep in the right direction, to the south west of the cheating jungle , as he preferred to call his father colloquially.
The bark of the trees that lay on the ground, rattled at his cautious pace as he ogled the crocodile tooth his father gave him before he died in the jaws of one.
«If you live in the country, in the forest, in the jungle or on an island, some tundra, prairie or other landscape, your best friends and/or worst enemies will be the animals that dwell there». —He remembered a fragment of what his father had told him on his first hunting days as a child.
His vision blurred for a second; the animals became his enemies from that day on. Although deep in his heart, Orly knew that the animals were not to blame, it was inevitable to think what his brave father, who cared for the habitat, must have suffered ... Supposedly; that is, Orly made his father out to be the hero of the jungle, as other hunters knew him. But he really wasn't.
Tropezó varias veces con ramas, al esfumarse los recuerdos que nublaron su presente. Los tallos de ramajes secos y unas que otras raíces parecían salir de dentro de la tierra, exclusivamente para entorpecer el paso del cazador, como para con maldad, hacerlo caer pero, Orly Jr fue bien entrenado por un gran cazador y experto de la supervivencia: su padre.
Vio inexpresivo, monos oscilar en cada rama antes de colgarse en otra, luego de sus respectivos gritos. Las aves; de cualquier color y muchos colores, hacían un vórtice, de figuras y arte abstracto a los ojos de cualquier pintor cuando se posaban en lo más alto de los árboles. Averiguaron curiosos los rumores de que un hombre invadió su hábitat, acción común de los animales...
Incluso las hormigas, los ciempiés y milpiés dejaron su trabajo para detenerse a observar al joven, —de no mas de veinticuatro años, calculó una cucaracha—. Alto, de piel tostada y cabello negro amarillento que cargaba un arma que los residentes alados, cuadrúpedos y demás, ya hubieron visto antes.
Las trémulas ramas, rumoraban sirviendo de fondo al canto de los pajarillos. El paisaje desconcertó a Orly por un instante, pues era un paraíso, no se podía negar; habían altísimas palmeras colmadas de cocos. Flores, hermosas flores que sabía que eran poco comunes; Kapok, Orquídeas, Flor del Cadáver, Bromelias entre otras, cuyo encuentro distraía el desdén del joven cazador pero no lo desaparecía, cuestión a la que contribuyo un mono burlón al llevarse su bolso con flechas de ballesta.
He stumbled several times over branches, as the memories that clouded his present faded. The stalks of dry twigs and a few roots seemed to come out of the ground, exclusively to hinder the hunter's passage, as if to viciously make him fall, but Orly Jr. was well trained by a great hunter and survival expert: his father.
He watched expressionless, monkeys swing on each branch before hanging on another, after their own screams. Birds; of every color and many colors, made a vortex, of figures and abstract art to the eyes of any painter as they perched high in the trees. They found out curious rumors that a man invaded their habitat, common action of the animals ...
Even the ants, centipedes and millipedes stopped their work to observe the young man, —no more than twenty-four years old, a cockroach estimated—. Tall, tan-skinned, yellowish-black hair, he carried a weapon that the winged residents, four-legged and otherwise, had seen before.
The trembling branches rustled, serving as a backdrop to the chirping of birds. The landscape puzzled Orly for an instant, for it was a paradise, there was no denying it; towering palm trees filled with coconuts. Flowers, beautiful flowers that he knew were rare; Kapok, Orchids, Corpse Flower, Bromeliads among others, whose encounter distracted the young hunter's disdain but did not make him disappear, a matter to which a mocking monkey contributed by taking his bag with crossbow arrows.
El mono desapareció en minutos entre los arboles. Orly intentó seguirle; corrió con rapidez, salto los troncos caídos, se impulsó con lianas cual tarzan, pero de tanto afán, no se percató del hoyo disfrazados con grandes hojas.
En lugar de una trampa, era más un gran hueco cubierto por las marchitas hojas caídas de verano.
La llegada brusca a través del descenso hacia algún lugar fue inminente; se encontraba el iracundo cazador dentro de una colosal masa de piedra, se encontraba en lo mas profundo del subsuelo. De alguna forma el lugar entero estaba abierto, espacioso, habitable también, como talado durante años por animales trabajadores que aman la privacidad.
Esta vez, Orly quedó realmente estupefacto, nunca hubo presenciado algo así, ni oyó jamás hablar de algo similar, se fascinó nuevamente de ver el perfecto trabajo del lugar donde se encontraba, luego escucho el chillido burlesco de un mono a metros de distancia. «Si es el mono que robo mis flechas, haré ropa con su piel y la venderé al mejor postor» —juró Orly. Caminó por el suelo sinuoso de roca, entrando por una especie de túnel, guiándose por el chillido que se escuchaba más de cerca. Una luz se divisaba al final del túnel, al llegar, la fascinación que sintió previamente, era diminuta en comparación a la actual. Pero no por que SI era el mono que robo sus flechas, si no por que si la vista previa de la superficial en la que estuvo hace minutos, no sabía como determinar éste hermoso lugar que descubrió: grama verde, fauna y flora nítida, especies casi en extinción, todo bien cuidado, todo parecía un comercial de televisores de alta definición. Orly no sabía si penetrar o si decidía hacerlo de que modo pues todo era tan perfecto que parecía incierto. Por otro lado le brillaron los ojos al ver que haría mucho dinero y se vengaría de la muerte de su padre con cualquier cocodrilo que se encontrase.
The monkey disappeared in minutes among the trees. Orly tried to follow him; he ran quickly, jumped over fallen trunks, propelled himself with vines like a tarzan, but in his eagerness, he did not notice the hole disguised with large leaves.
Instead of a trap, it was more like a large hole covered by the withered fallen leaves of summer.
The abrupt arrival through the descent to somewhere was imminent; he found himself the irate hunter inside a colossal mass of stone, he found himself deep underground. Somehow the whole place was open, spacious, habitable too, as felled for years by hard-working animals who love privacy.
This time, Orly was really stupefied, he had never witnessed anything like this, nor ever heard of anything similar, he was again fascinated to see the perfect workmanship of the place where he found himself, then he heard the mocking screech of a monkey meters away. «If it's the monkey that stole my arrows, I'll make clothes out of its fur and sell it to the highest bidder» —Orly swore. He walked along the winding rock floor, entering through a sort of tunnel, guided by the squeak that could be heard closer. A light could be made out at the end of the tunnel, as he arrived, the fascination he experienced previously, was tiny in comparison to now. But not because IF it was the monkey that stole her arrows, but because if the preview of the superficial one she was in minutes ago, she did not know how to determine this beautiful place she discovered: green grass, clear fauna and flora, species almost in extinction, all well kept, everything looked like a commercial for high definition televisions. Orly did not know whether to penetrate or if he decided to do it in what way because everything was so perfect that it seemed uncertain. On the other hand, his eyes sparkled when he saw that he would make a lot of money and take revenge for his father's death with any crocodile he could find.
Decidió entonces camuflarse con pinturas que traía en sus bolsillos, y adentrarse al utópico lugar, escalando en descenso los 24 pies hasta el suelo. Sintió una presión asfixiante, quizá por que estaba muchos metras bajo la superficie del mar, sin embargo al cabo de unos minutos se normalizó y exploró.
Con cautela logro ver de cerca la perfección del lugar, era increíble que un humano hiciera todo ese trabajo. Solo quedaba una explicación; todo lo lograron los animales. —«La suerte estaba de su lado, hubo encontrado una mina de oro»—. Continuó explorando, las adyacencias del centro del lugar, mientras se acercaba al espacio personal de los habitantes. Todo parecía ideal asi que para matar su duda lanzo una pequeña roca cerca de una pantera que conciliaba el sueño cerca de una caída de agua, similar a una fuente. La pantera se engrifó enérgicamente mirando a todos lados. —Wow —expresó Orly escondiéndose.
He then decided to camouflage himself with paints he had in his pockets, and entered the utopian place, climbing down the 24 feet to the ground. He felt a suffocating pressure, perhaps because he was many meters below the surface of the sea, but after a few minutes he normalized and explored.
Cautiously, he managed to get a close look at the perfection of the place, it was incredible that a human could do all that work. There was only one explanation left; it was all done by animals. —«Luck was on his side, he had found a gold mine»—. He continued to explore, the adjacencies of the center of the place, while approaching the personal space of the inhabitants. Everything seemed ideal so to kill his doubt he threw a small rock near a panther that was sleeping near a waterfall, similar to a fountain. The panther cowered energetically, looking all around. —Wow, Orly said, ducking out of sight.
Tomó un minuto para sentarse a pensar en lo que estaba presenciando, y qué hacer con esa mina de oro. Concluyo que si se retiraba ahora necesitaría la ayuda que necesitará después exceptuando que tal ayuda luego quizá descubriría algo mas que pudo ser de Orly.
Tontamente al muchacho, se le había olvidado su propósito inicial tanto como el secundario, pues realmente el lugar era más que un paraíso estupefaciente, así que se dedicó a recuperar sus flechas. Gracias al camuflaje no fue tarea dura. Suspiró al obtenerlas y retrocedió de nuevo, puesto que el bolso estaba muy cerca de todos los animales.
—¿Que carajos? ¿Como es posible que debajo de la superficie todo esto funcione?. —Vocifero divagante el joven heredero. Y recordó a su padre al ver encima de la superficie de una laguna los ojos cazadores de un cocodrilo. Sacó la ballesta de debajo de las hojas de plátano de atrás de él, donde la había escondido. Estuvo a punto de disparar, pero un ruiseñor lo cautivo al posarse en la liga ejecutora del arma. Suspiro. Ademán de decepción. Reanudó la exploración.
He took a minute to sit and think about what he was witnessing, and what to do with that gold mine. He concluded that if he retreated now he would need the help he would need later except that such help would later perhaps uncover something else that might have been Orly's.
Foolishly the boy, he had forgotten his initial purpose as much as the secondary one, for really the place was more than a stupefying paradise, so he set about retrieving his arrows. Thanks to the camouflage it was not a hard task. He sighed as he got them and backed away again, as the bag was too close to all the animals.
—How is it possible that underneath the surface all this works? —the young heir rambled rambling. And he remembered his father seeing the hunting eyes of a crocodile above the surface of a lagoon. He pulled the crossbow out from under the banana leaves behind him, where he had hidden it. He was about to fire, but a nightingale captivated him as it landed on the weapon's executing loop. Sigh. A gesture of disappointment. He resumed his exploration.
Resbaló por una pendiente por estar abstraído en la confusión que sentía ahora. —Vaya que este joven tiene mala suerte—. La pantera, los tigres y leopardos se habían ido de la dicha fuente, aprovechándose para bañarse y curar los raspones y cortadas de las caídas.
Fue ahí cuando lo vio, detrás del velo de agua que lo ocultaba. Un diamante de veinte centímetros cúbicos metódicamente puesto en una roca blanca. A Orly le brillaron los ojos dibujándose en sus pjos el símbolo del dinero —sabía que debía quedarse —. Enseguida lo quitó para guardarlo, llevárselo y olvidar todo y ser feliz, así no más. Luego el ruiseñor de hace unos minutos apareció nuevamente —Orly se había identificado ya con el hermoso pájaro—. Lo miró volar frente a él y en un minuto aproximado, el pájaro detuvo sus alas y se desplomó hasta caer en las manos de Orly, que actuaron por inercia para sostener al pájaro.
El muchacho pelinegro-amarillo lo sostuvo, con delicadeza y miro a su alrededor; la magia del lugar había desaparecido, los árboles se Marchitaban al compás de las flores, las mariposas caían al suelo sin color, y a la lejanía vio como un tigre intentaba recobrar las fuerzas que perdía. La pequeña cascada hubo detenido la caída del agua automáticamente al quitarse el diamante, cosa que hizo que los peces flotaran a la superficie de costado, inertes.
He slipped down a slope because he was absorbed in the confusion he now felt. -Boy, is this young man unlucky. The panther, tigers and leopards had left the said fountain, taking advantage of it to bathe and heal the scrapes and cuts from the falls.
It was then that he saw it, behind the veil of water that hid it. A twenty cubic centimeter diamond methodically set in a white rock. Orly's eyes sparkled with the symbol of money in his eyes —he knew he had to keep it. He immediately removed it to put it away, take it with him and forget everything and be happy, just like that. Then the nightingale from a few minutes ago appeared again —Orly had already identified himself with the beautiful bird—. He watched it fly in front of him and in a minute or so, the bird stopped its wings and collapsed until it fell into Orly's hands, which acted by inertia to hold the bird.
The yellow-haired boy held him gently and looked around him; the magic of the place had disappeared, the trees withered to the rhythm of the flowers, the butterflies fell to the ground without color, and in the distance he saw how a tiger was trying to regain its lost strength. The small waterfall had stopped the fall of the water automatically when the diamond was removed, which made the fish float to the surface on its side, inert.
El agua perdió su claridad y la grama parecía paja y Orly experimento todo en cuestión de minutos, cosa que lo hizo sentir tan mal que sus lágrimas bajaran por sus mejillas hasta caer en el diamante que aún sostenía en su mano.
Lo que sucedió fue inexplicable, a caer la lágrima en el diamante, el ruiseñor que yacía muerto evidentemente, movió una ala. El muchacho tardo un minuto en darse cuenta que lo que daba vida al lugar era la conexión del diamante con el agua de allí. Orly lo colocó de nuevo en su sitio y enseguida todo recobraba el color y la vitalidad natural que le pertenecía. Pronto el pájaro que yacía inerte, efectuó un brinco desesperado y desplegó sus alas para volar, esa vez mas alto que nunca. Los demás animales como el tigre y la pantera se miraban sus cuerpos confundidos, pero era notable su agradecimiento. Las mariposas revoloteaban con más e energía y Orly supo ese momento que esa era su misión, cuidar de ese lugar que obvio solo a el se le dio la oportunidad de conocer y honrar así la memoria de su padre siendo esta vez el héroe del paraíso perdido.
The water lost its clarity and the grass looked like straw and Orly experienced everything in a matter of minutes, which made him feel so bad that his tears ran down his cheeks until they fell on the diamond he still held in his hand.
What happened was inexplicable, as the tear fell on the diamond, the nightingale, which was lying dead evidently, moved a wing. It took the boy a minute to realize that what gave life to the place was the diamond's connection to the water there. Orly put it back in place and immediately everything regained its natural color and vitality. Soon the bird that was lying inert, made a desperate leap and spread its wings to fly, this time higher than ever. The other animals like the tiger and the panther looked at each other's bodies in confusion, but their gratitude was remarkable. The butterflies fluttered with more energy and Orly knew that moment that this was his mission, to take care of this place that obviously only he was given the opportunity to know and thus honor the memory of his father being this time the hero of the lost paradise.
Contenido Original // Original Content.
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