Hello all gems friends, where are you, good night all. this time I share information about the benefits of this persimmon fruit, it is extraordinary, friends for the health of our bodies. well watch carefully guys.
This persimmon is a type of fruit native to China that spread to Japan and other parts of Asia. and this fruit has been planted and used for thousands of years, but we don't know if the benefits are extraordinary, friend. This persimmon has the Latin name Diospyros kaki and is known as kaki fruit in Japanese, which is taken from the name of the tannin substance produced by this fruit. namely In English, the common persimmon is referred to as oriental persimmon, well that's it friends, let's see the benefits.
The benefits of persimmons for the health of our bodies are: Prevent cancer. And persimmons contain lots of antioxidants. Prevent disease in our body, namely the heart. Heart disease is one of the chronic diseases that can attack anyone, both men and women.
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