Andrea Bocelli donates plasma for research on Covid-19

in GEMS4 years ago

Andrea Bocelli - Image CC BY-SA 2.0

The well-known Italian opera singer Andrea Bocelli was one of the infected with coronavirus.

The fact dates back to March 10, when the artist was subjected to the swab and tested positive.

The news was released just today, given that Bocelli has chosen not to disclose it in order not to unnecessarily alarm his fans, out of respect for those who have contracted the virus with other consequences, and also to protect his family.

In fact, his wife and his sons were infected with him.
Fortunately, all of them showed few symptoms of the disease and none required hospitalization.

The virus was contracted mildly and almost asymptomatically. Bocelli said he was completely healed already before the end of March.

Clearly, he had to cancel some of his concerts, even if on Easter evening, the opera singer performed in a deserted Milan Cathedral for the "Music for Hope" event.
A concert streamed live on YouTube and which has over 40 million views. It was his way of supporting Milan and all of Lombardy, areas particularly affected by the pandemic...yet he too had been infected, but, as mentioned, nobody knew.

Just today, after leaving the transfusion center of the Cisanello hospital in Pisa, the singer spoke to the press about the occurrence.
He was there because he chose to donate his plasma for one of the most important Covid cure research. He himself called it a small gesture, with which he said he wanted to do his part in the fight against the virus.

The therapy based on hyperimmune plasma (of which I had already spoken in this post) aims to provide sick patients with the plasma of a donor recovered from Sars-CoV-2 infection.

This infusion causes the so-called passive immunization.

In practice, Bocelli's blood is rich in antibodies very useful to those who are trying to develop them to heal.
Especially those patients who show the typical symptoms that lead to the intervention with assisted ventilation.

Certainly a beautiful gesture by a person who, in terms of charity and philanthropy, has never pulled back.


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Credits @doze