A NO to Drug Abuse

in GEMS2 months ago

The human life is more complicated than we can ever imagine it to be. This is why no matter how knowledgeable a doctor is in a field of medical specialisation, he cannever know it all. Man is beyond the exhaustion of the human brain.

Have you ever pondered why man can be so addicted to a substance that is harmful to him? Most times, at the beginning of taking such substance it doesn't have any good feeling but for one reason or the other when continued becomes a thing that one cannot do without.

The deadliness of drug abuse has made me decide never to indulge in it no matter the situation. First of all, what is drug abuse? What are the characteristics and what are the advantages and disadvantages?

The different forms of drug misuse


For a concise explanation, drug abuse is simply the wrong use of drugs. It can be legal or illegal drugs. By implication, drug abuse does not necessarily mean taking heroin, cocain, cigarette, e.t. c, but also other drugs which naturally helps us to relieve pains or heal us of some illnesses. So when can we say that one is addicted to a drug?

One becomes addicted to a drug when He cannot any longer live without that drug. In this case it is now a matter of both psychological and bodily reaction to a need. It becomes an addiction when one ceases to lead a normal life without taking a particular drug.

What are the advantages of drug addiction? The first question would be, is there any advantage to something as that negative? Well, it is debatable but it is important to state that whatever is bad always has a good in it. Drug abuse is a phenomennon that renders the victims more active to life and self satisfaction. In my discussion with a young guy who was addicted to taking heroin, he told me that when he takes it, he feels fulfilled, he is not concerned about anything woman and he can go about doing his things actively for the rest of the day. But he has to take it at that particular time of the day to be fine.

For some others like many artistes who perform on stage, they take it to get the confidence to face the large crowd and unless they do, they wouldn't appear active and perfom to the taste of the audience. Some others take drugs to help them to be alive (active) to accomplish their daily tasky jobs and without that, they wouldnt do so.... These and many more are the reasons people indulge in drug taking which eventually become an abuse.

More also, like earlier stated, some indulge in taking legal drugs for a course and which over time become an addict. For example, taking pain killers like PARACETAMOL or PANADOL EXTRA. My mother used to be a fan of pain killers every night when she comes back from work because of the day's stress and at a point it became a thing of routine such that she couldn't sleep without taking it and if she tries to sleep without doing the normal, that night would be restless.

At this stage, it became a matter of addiction and she needed help but which she couldn't get until she passed away. For some reason I think her death was caused by the too much intake of those drugs which rendered her system weak.

Eventhough it hurts but he can't do without it

Drug abuse is a disease and in fact a deadly one which one in it must seek to come out of else it would ruin him. First of all, for a person who is addicted to drugs, it leads to too much spending of money on drugs and if it is a person who doesn't earn well or who doesn't even earn at all but depends on others, then such a person may go into stealing or being over dependent on others and render his or her life miserable.

A drug addict is unable to accomplish nothing when there is no availability of that drug at the moment in which he must take it. Recently I saw a man along the way begging another man who he never knew for a stick of cigarette and which he was actually given. I could imagine how badly he needed to smoke at that point in time that he never cared who he could get it from.

A lot of persons have run crazy because of drug abuse, a lot have run bankrupt because of addiction to expensive drugs in which they have spent all they have and even borrowed and now cannot any longer borrow.
Drugs abuse renders one miserable
Having examined all the reasons why people become addicted to drugs, I consider it a useless enterprise that I cannever indulge in even though all the possibilities or necessities are around me. Many become addicted because of the bad company they keep, likewise I have a lot of those guys who are strong addicts and who have tried to introduce me to that life but I decided not to and I am not ever going to.

Even the money for the drugs is not a problem because I can have them freely delivered to me. My reason is because I know the impact it would have in my life. I know that who ever is addicted to drugs never has a good ending. His life will not be better in any way but instead worse. I will never indulge in it, because I know many persons who are into it and are wishing to come out of it but is difficult for them.

With this, I also wish to encourage people never to indulge in drug abuse. It kills , it renders life useless.
You have to stop if you are already into it and if not, don't go into it

THANKS FOR READING... This is a post in response to the thinkers corner challenge by @kenechukwu97
I hope you found it useful


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thanks a lot @hivebuzz

All good @jesus-son! You have what it takes to achieve this new goal on Hive! Keep it up!

The way people still abuse drugs despite knowing that nothing good comes out of the act is exactly the reason why Humans are weirdly hard to understand. Tell them to avoid a particular thing and you will see people running to do that exact thing. It's hard to understand that. Haha.

Abusing drugs is a No-no and I'm glad you took the time to walk us through this and all of entails. This is a very informative piece of writing.

Thanks so much for sharing that with us in the Thinker's Corner.

Hehe, I think stubbornness is one of the core characteristics of humans, hehe.
Yea, it seems so, because basically humans do what is advised not to be done.
It is left for the wise ones to be a difference among many

Thanks for your presence
You na wise person 🙄🙇

Saying no to drug abuse is a brilliant way to go because it becomes hard to quit when the addiction kicks in.

Also, the drug taken damages some internal tissues in the body the more they are taken. Therefore, being strict on drug intake should be something worth doing.

I am sorry you lost a special figure due to this. May her soul rest in perfect peace.

Amen thanks ma
Glad I see someone in my ideological line, hehe

You are welcome 😁. Yeah, that's right.