A Renewed Hope for Redemption

in GEMS3 months ago

I saw a movie where some people sought penance by flogging themselves; they bled profusely but were still unsatisfied, so they continued to flog themselves until they ran out of energy. Of course, it was only a movie, and many people may not understand. It felt crude, as if no one deserved such punishment, regardless of their actions.

However, humans (we) are capable of the unthinkable; deep within everyone, there is a darkness that can only be overcome by the light of God. We occasionally repent of this darkness and begin to seek penance for what we have unleashed.

The unbelievability of what we have done frequently haunts us, and those who have truly repented may embark on a journey to find redemption in every place and way they believe possible. However, if you have never committed humanly irredeemable acts, it is difficult to understand how to alleviate the burden of guilt; it lives in you like a leech to the skin, and some people carry it with them throughout their lives.

I have been coming to terms with a lot of things, and this is the deepest introspection of my life; it is unfortunate that I had to wait for a lot of things to go wrong before realizing the rot in almost every aspect of my life. The most painful lessons come from irreversible mistakes.

When you have to learn when it is too late, the lesson becomes a scar that stays with you; it serves as a reminder of how you could have done it correctly and how you did not. I now live with many scars from various aspects of my life. For a long time, I have been trying to make amends for all of my mistakes, to take the right turn in places where I have previously taken the wrong turn; I know they will not correct my mistakes from the past, but they will provide me with closure.

Seeking redemption is a difficult process, as your guilt is evident in almost everything you do. You are working hard to live righteously, to have a purpose, to define, to add meaning to everything you do, and to strive for improvement. Many people receive the redemption they seek because the mistakes they have made cannot be redeemed, and when I consider myself in this context, I realize that physical redemption has no impact or essence.

Second chances are not available in all aspects of life, particularly when it comes to life or death. When you get it wrong, it is over. We usually only have one chance at life: the people we know, the responsibilities we have, and how well we choose to live, which is why God provides the gift of redemption through the death of His only begotten son, Jesus Christ.

There is nothing like the hunger for redemption.

Many people go to great lengths to obtain the deserved redemption they seek, but it is often futile and never really holds any ground. I know that seeking redemption in physical things will not suffice for me; I have seen it all and already know. However, many people live merry lives and are unfamiliar with the concept of redemption.

Sometimes, people sometimes act without considering the consequences.

Beyond the concept of right and wrong, there are times in our lives when only a spark of Divine Intervention can restore peace and tranquility, and this is where knowing God comes in. Of course, knowing God is not a coping strategy. If you seek God solely for the purpose of solving your problems, you will be frustrated.

For me, knowing God represents a second chance at redemption that is beyond the mental capacity of the average human being. It may be something different for everyone.

However, for everyone who is looking to truly repent and has tried everything but it has not worked, there is a peace that comes with God, and trust me, knowing God will not interfere with your plans of getting rich with cryptocurrency, making money, and living a comfortable life means you have changed, a brand new person from what and who you used to be, the things you did for fun, a different form of passion, and all that.

Of course, I am new to the faith; it does not mean all of my financial issues and complications are magically gone; it means I can still have them and have a renewed hope for my soul; of course, you can as well.

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Greetings @josediccus ,

So true, What a well written post...It is God that makes the difference....our faith in Him Who is Absolute Truth.

John 3.16 For God loved the world so much that He sent His uniquely born Son (Jesus Christ) so that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Kind Regards, Bleujay

Thanks for the reference of John 3:16, I mean, I knew it throughout my life but only started understanding what it truly means in this recent journey of mine.

Redemption is very profound and a personal journey that often requires more than physical penance. Embracing faith can offer the peace and second chance we seek, helping us overcome past mistakes and find new purpose in life.

You're exactly correct. For me, I'm praying for faith always, it's never easy to walk without faith after everything

Yeah, faith is the most superior thing no matter what

God is loving. Self flagellation isn't the key to forgiveness, but if you believe that you are entitled to your beliefs I suppose. Faith can give you strength to survive those hard times, although lately there seem to be a lot of those. But that is life, one challenge after another and overcoming them!

You're right, there's a lot of things; one challenges to another. I sought of feel that if I've chosen to embrace my faith earlier on in life, a lot of things wouldn't have gone wrong, however, people aren't meant to know everything. So I just want to focus on my faith now and live with my scars as a reminder of the past

I think also knowing God brings a whole different perspective on how we view the world, one that's more wholesome and encompassing but still takes into account the nuances of life.

I think one of the reasons why we have this hunger for redemption is that there's an inner awareness that without redemption, our lives may not be meaningful or it's through redemption that we can have closure and find meaning in life. Sort of like a death and rebirth, figuratively.

For me, the need for redemption stems from realizing all my wrong doings, and decided to retrace my steps and ask for a second chance to do it right. Overall, man lives a life of sin which is contrary to what God wants and I have a made it a personal goal to know God throughout my life, I and my family.

God is very caring to take us back despite our shortcomings.
Sometimes we lose faith because things aren't going our way forgetting that life is all about the ups and downs. I'm saying this from a personal experience, I drew far away from God, but trust me when I say I'm 💯 sure now that life is way better with God in the picture

Life is always better with God in the picture. For me, I can always say my life was by His Divine Intervention, but I simply just derailed and a lot of things have now gone wrong. I thank God for your life, also I'm happy for your testimony, it means a lot

Thank God you let him in, he's ready to fix things for you

A lot of us don’t move closer to God until things happen to us
There is a kind of ease your kind will feel if you really have faith in God
Let me tell you something
I’ve been praying to get one particular thing for over thirteen years. It’s not a house, car and not even money. Is thirteen years not enough for me to give up? But anytime I remember, my mind is always at rest because I know God will do it at the right time
When things are going well in my home, instead of me to relax, I pray more. That’s the time I seek God most because the devil doesn’t like beautiful things
I hope we all find God.

13 years is enough to give up, but then, I guess you have to continue the prayers. but from what I know, God chooses to answer prayer at His discretion. The Bible says when we pray according to His will, He answers. However, I guess one day, we will stand before Him and ask him some questions.

However, keep up the faith. I'm not also praying for any material thing, just for mercies and compassion and forgiveness.

Well said brother, finding faith can indeed bring a deep sense of peace and purpose, especially during challenging times.

Indeed, true.

The past won't change, so it's best to just try to make up for it in the future. I don't think it's worth it to really punish yourself but it would be better just trying to do something good for other people.