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RE: Eastern Nigeria: A Travel Photo Story.

in GEMS3 months ago

From Barcelona to Venice? wow and I thought you've only been in the US like forever.

It was very spicy, dried and it was marinated a lot and it was quality lean cut meat and no fat.

I made it, I'm thankful. We were at one particular spot at 10pm and even the driver was scared


I'm glad you made it! I've lived all over South American and in Puerto Rico for many years. I've travelled through Europe, kind of been all over. Never made it to Africa, Asia, or Australia though. Or Antarctica, that would be very cool to say I had been there!

My chronic condition made me stay in Nigeria all my life. I had this lady I was dating online, but because of my condition, I just couldn't go overseas I had no one and the risk was too much. Glad to see you've tasted so much places. We're the experience we live.

It was fun when I was young, I moved to South America when I was nineteen! Travelling just isn't as much fun now... That meat looked really good that you had though. I love hot and spicy food!

I once felt that young, I felt invincible and confident.