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RE: OBSIDIAN - A Writing App Every Blogger Must Have

in GEMS2 years ago

Here is a post I can probably comment in a meaningful way (hopefully; you'll let me know).

I have used Notepad (I think the correct name was Notepad++ or something like that) when I had a Windows machine. That brings me back in the middle of the 90ies. Then, in the Apple environment in which I live for so many years, TextEdit is not bad. Whereas practical for quick views of text files, I am often going quickly far from it (because everything I do, even writing letters, ends up programming it).

Today, mostly every text-editing task I do is done within VIM, a terminal-based text editor. And by everything, I mean it: coding, writing posts, etc. The only exception is related to writing scientific articles, for which OverLeaf is quite powerful as a collaborative package.

Therefore, despite Obsidian looks interesting, I won't probably take the time to check it out. For what concerns taking notes, I have my Remarkable tablet that keeps me organised for some time now (I was one of the early adopters of their Remarkable 2 product).
