Feeling Like a Proud Mom | Cousin's Graduation

in GEMS2 years ago

Hello, Dear Hivers! | Hola, Queridos Hivers!

Last Monday was such an important day for my petite famille, because our baby, Guillermo Adrián, graduated from elementary school!


He and my uncle immigrated to Colombia like 4 years ago. Four rough years for all of us, but thankfully they came back on February and my cousin continued his studies here.


Since in Colombia the distribution of the grades is different than here, my cuz had to repeat one year so he could have his elementary school diploma and attend middle school.


It was a bit hard to find a school where he could study, because finding a place in public schools here has become very complicated, but my mom managed to get him a gap at the school where she works, San Rafael, even though it is private.


We all helped him with his duties (because he's very absent-minded like his cousin (me)), and with life advice about which was the correct way to behave in some circumstances. I felt like I had a son LOL! It was a big adventure for all of us hehe.


I couldn't help crying when I saw him up there with his diploma 🥺
I felt so proud and so happy. All the tears I didn't cry when they came back from Colombia, I cried them that morning. (but carefully. I couldn't ruin my makeup LOL)


I love my cousin so much! And who would've thought? When we were kids, we fought A LOT for everything. Life's weird, huh?


Congratulations, Mr. Robles. ✨


Thanks for stopping by!

Stay true to yourself always with a smile on your face
