Aquel hombre viene,
con una alfombra verde,
parece césped
y muy fresco huele.
La acomoda en el suelo
y trae una zanahoria de buen peso,
la deja en un extremo,
para atraer al armadillo Aurelio.
That man comes
with a green carpet, it
looks like grass
and smells very fresh.
He lays it on the ground
and brings a carrot of good weight,
he leaves it at one end,
to attract the armadillo Aurelio.
Aurelio sale afanado,
su olfato comida a detectado,
tiene hambre,no ha almorzado
y se come la zanahoria despacio.
Y cuando pensé que toda la comería,
deja una parte y se sube encima,
no estaba comiendo sin medida,
estaba construyendo un auto de mentiras.
Aurelio comes out in a hurry,
his sense of smell has detected that he
is hungry, he hasn't had lunch
and he eats the carrot slowly.
And when I thought he would eat it all,
he leaves some of it and climbs on top of it,
he was not eating without measure,
he was building a car of lies.
Un auto hecho con zanahoria,
que se desliza con habilidad asombrosa,
el hombre pide que le presté por una hora,
aquel auto de extraña forma.
El hombre se va a pasear,
en este auto original
y Aurelio se va a descansar,
porque en la tarde otra cosa construirá.
A car made of carrot,
which slides with astonishing skill,
the man asks to borrow
this strangely shaped car for an hour.
The man goes for a ride
in this original car
and Aurelio goes to rest,
because in the afternoon he will build something else.