Un tronco bien bonito,
dormía tranquilo,
hasta que escuchó un ruido
y abrió su mirada al tiro.
Tenía pequeños ojos,
negros y un poco perezosos,
vigilantes de su entorno
y bastante graciosos.
A very nice log,
was sleeping peacefully,
until he heard a noise
and opened its eyes to the shot.
It had small eyes,
black and a little lazy,
watchful of his surroundings
and quite funny.
Estático esperaba,
tratando de escuchar lo que sonaba,
hasta que sintió que algo escalaba,
por su cuerpo rugoso que agrietado estaba.
Era una yegua parda
con una hoja estrellada,
con esfuerzo la llevaba,
hasta la parte más alta.
Static I waited,
trying to hear what was sounding,
until he felt something climbing,
over his rough body that was cracked and cracked.
It was a brown mare
with a starry leaf,
with effort he carried her,
to the highest part.
Cuando llegó arriba,
se percató de que el tronco la veía,
ella le explicó que un regalo traía,
para que recobrara la vida.
La yegua sembró la hoja en el tronco,
en una grieta con buen fondo,
la dejó ahí, viviendo sabroso,
con la esperanza de que traería alegría al entorno.
When she got to the top,
she noticed that the trunk saw her,
she explained that she had a gift,
to bring her back to life.
The mare planted the leaf on the trunk,
in a crevice with a good bottom,
left it there, living tasty,
in the hope that it would bring joy to the environment.
La hoja sí sobrevivió
y con el tiempo más hojas resguardo
gracias a una yegua marrón
que con un regalo un nuevo aire al tronco dio.
The leaf did survive
and over time more leaves were sheltered
thanks to a brown mare
that brought a gift that gave a new air to the trunk.
¡Oh, no! 😭