Una montaña caminando en la cocina / A mountain walking through the kitchen

in GEMS11 hours ago

En la cocina había una mazorca,
con hojas bastante pomposas,
que de repente rueda sola
como si fuera una pelota.

Se abren las hojas de la mazorca
y sale una figura de rara forma,
es un trozo de montaña hermosa,
que viajaba oculta por la zona.

In the kitchen there was an ear of corn,
with rather pompous leaves,
that suddenly rolled on its own
as if it were a ball.

The leaves of the cob open up
and out comes a strangely shaped figure,
it's a piece of beautiful mountain,
that was traveling hidden in the area.


El trozo de montaña en la cocina camina
y encuentra un vaso con agua tibia,
bebe un poco,hidratarse necesita
y sin querer de verde la pinta.

Deja el agua y se va a descansar,
entre unos cuadros qué al lado están,
son sazonador para cocinar
y ahí duerme con profundidad.

The piece of the mountain in the kitchen walks
and finds a glass of warm water,
drinks a little, needs hydration
and unintentionally paints it green.

He leaves the water and goes to rest,
between some pictures which are next to it,
they are seasoning for cooking
and there she sleeps soundly.


La montaña comienza a soñar,
con flores de morada tonalidad,
hasta que acaba el tiempo de descansar
y se levanta para su paseo continuar.

Voltea a mirar el agua en el vaso
y ve que su sueño se ha realizado,
hay algo grande flotando,
una flor de tono morado.

The mountain begins to dream,
with flowers of purple hue,
until the time to rest is over
and gets up for its walk to continue.

He turns to look at the water in the glass
and sees that his dream has come true,
there is something big floating,
a purple flower.


El trozo de montaña sonríe,
esto es algo sublime,
lo que soñó apareció en el vaso,
que había de verde pintado.

Una montaña que se había escondido,
en hojas de mazorca sin perjuicio,
ha logrado algo mágico
y una flor en un vaso, como prueba ha quedado.

The piece of mountain smiles,
this is something sublime,
what he dreamed appeared in the glass,
which was painted green.

A mountain that had hidden,
in leaves of cob without prejudice,
has achieved something magical
and a flower in a glass, as proof has remained.


Stopmotion y cuento original de Margarita Palomino.
Colombia, marzo de 2025