Thank you for an insightful writeup. Your journey is quite similar to mine - I've jumped between so many different things over the years (including coding!). And I've also reached similar conclusions, quite recently actually. Though you put better words to it.
Rather than chasing trends, I should focus on aligning my skills with the current trends.
This is profound, and I'm glad you point it out. I haven't chased trends, I haven't even thought of them haha. I've mostly just been doing things aimlessly (though passionately). What I've been experiencing/noticing lately however, is that somehow all the sporadic things I've been doing for the past 20+ years, are starting to culminate and come together in what feels like a big, comprehensive, and quite uncommon skillset. And content creation is at the core of it.
This might be due to poor marketing, location, etc So right now the most important question is: are you doing the right thing the wrong way? If so how do you change?
This has definitely been my biggest issue. It's just so comfortable to sit around by myself and tinker with various (cool/awesome) things instead of engaging with others and sharing what I'm up to. I'll share it later, I usually think. And then I never do. Which is why I'm now attempting to find a sustainable way to do just that - engage more with people. Be present, be active. Get to know interesting people and hopefully, get the chance to show what I can do in the process. That's my current plan for this point anyways.
Yes, this was an inspiring post. Cheers
You have a great plan. There are no downsides to putting yourself out of that and networking. I am spending more time these days reaching out and engaging (but on and off chain). I believe this will give me visibility and increase my social capital.
Thanks for stopping. I appreciate your comment