A Seat To Sit In and a Painting to Look At

in GEMS2 months ago

Happy Market Friday!

A little over a month ago I splurged on a brand new Sony Bravia TV. So far Ben and I love watching it. The color is perfect, the sound is awesome, there was just one problem; we had no decent seats to sit our butts on!

As sad as it sounds, it is totally true that we have been sitting on hard wooden dining room chairs. It's kind of hard to get totally engrossed in a program on TV when at the same time your butt is going numb from the uncomfortable chair you're sitting in.


For the past month or two, we have been making trips to various furniture stores to try out their seating offerings. I have to admit it was sticker shock at first blush, especially because I am on the thrifty side. I even went to a couple of scratch and dent stores, but the prices are still sky high in my opinion. You know I don't have the best of luck, but they say a blind squirrel will stumble across a nut every once in a while. So I felt really lucky when I went back to the place that we started looking for furniture called Virginia Furniture Mart and saw the pieces that we thought were the best sitting on sale for $500 off! Well that is music to my ears!! 500 bucks off, I couldn't pass that up!


I always like to buy American made, if I can and I try to buy local, if at all possible as well. So it was fortuitous that the Bassett brand was the most comfortable pieces as well as being a Virginia based company. Sadly however only their non-motorized seats are made in the United States. These were produced in Thailand.
The store wanted $200 for in-house delivery. Being of strong back and weak mind, there was no way I was going to pay that much! Well let me tell you, Ben and I really worked for that $200 savings. The love seat has full reclining with a motor for each side which made the unit quite heavy. The couch also has full reclining chairs on each end and therefore obviously was even more so!

Now you might wonder why I posted so many pictures of so many pillows? It is comfortable as these seats are, it is still really nice to have a few pillows for added comfort. The problem was trying to get a few that would match. I was ordering these pillows from TJ Maxx and from Marshalls, but it seemed like almost no two of the prints were identical. I suppose most people would not notice, or at least it wouldn't be important to them. However it was driving my OCD crazy to not have prints that matched. I ended up having to order about a bazillion pillows to find a few that matched. I swear it was beginning to look like a pillow manufacturing company was located in the house for a day or so LOL!


Last but not least on this Market Friday, here is a painting I just bought. Although it has its share of little imperfections, I think it pops with the black background. It was painted by a local artisan and I think perhaps I will start a small collection of art from local artists.

At this rate I think it is clear as to why my collection is going to stay small for a long time LOL!!!

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All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.


I was wondering why you were had acquired so many pillows.... till you explained.

What is the size of the art? $80 is not that high for an original... well... depending on the size.

The sofa looks nice though and sturdy. $500 discount is not too shabby.

I had over a dozen pillows here at some point to get a couple prints that matched...crazy I know!

Its probably a foot buy two feet in size. Kind of a memory from our trip. It has some Easter/spring colors/feel to me.