Hello friends, on my recent family trip, I passed through a small town called Telhadas on the way to Porto, it is an area known for presenting unexplored virgin nature and several prehistoric burial sites. I decided to make a short stop at one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Portugal, which has as name: "d'Alte", enjoy my little post to learn a little more about the beauties of Portugal!😍🤯🚙
Hola amigos en mi reciente viaje familiar pase por un pueblo pequeño llamado telhadas camino a Porto, es una zona conocida por presentar una naturaleza virgen poco explorada y varias sepulturas prehistoricas dicidi hacer una pequeña parada a una de las cascadas mas hermosas de Portugal que tiene como nombre: "d'Alte", disfruta de mi pequeño post para conocer un poco mas de las bellezas de Portugal!🚩🌍🌄


I think I have only visited 3 waterfalls including this one during my stay in Portugal, the North region like Braga is the most natural municipality that Portugal has, there are many rivers and beautiful landscapes, it was recommended that when I visited Porto I would arrive at a small village in Talhadas because here I could run into some interesting tourist sites, I had to choose between very old monoliths and this beautiful waterfall, we all decided to choose the waterfall and go take some photos!😮😮
Creo que solo he visitado 3 cascadas incluyendo esta en mi estadia en Portugal, la region del Norte como Braga es el municio mas natural que tiene Portugal, alli hay muchos rios y bonitos paisajes me recomendaron que cuando visitara Porto llegara a una pequeña villa en Talhadas porque aqui podia toparme con algunos sitios turisticos interesantes, tenia para escoger entre monolitos muy antiguos y esta hermosa cascada, decidimos todos escoger la cascada e ir a tomarnos unas fotos!🌊🌊

My adventure begins here, in this small sign that tells us that in that direction we would find the waterfall, if by chance you decide to visit it on your vacation to Portugal I recommend that you do it in spring or winter, I read on the internet and I could confirm that it is not It is not easy to park a vehicle, first you must leave your transport more or less 3km away and then you must go down a slightly precarious road, let's say it has a medium level of demand! because on the way back it is only uphill and the path is full of loose rock where we can easily slip! the positive of the site??? It's free!!!🥰🥰
Aqui comienza mi aventura, en este pequeño letrero que nos indica que en esa direccion encontrariamos la cascada, si de por casualidad decides visitarla en tus vacaciones a Portugal te recomiendo que lo hagas en primavera o invierno, lei en internet y pude corroborarlo que no es nada facil estacionar un vehiculo, primeramente deberas dejar tu transporte a mas o menos unos 3km y luego deberas bajar un camino un poco precario, digamos que tiene un nivel de exigencia media!!! porque de regreso es solo subida y el camino esta lleno de roca suelta donde podemos resbalarnos facilmente! lo positivo del sitio??? Es gratis!!!😎😎

Immediately when I arrived there was a nice breeze around 12 degrees so it wasn't too cold and the sun was at its highest point! I felt that I was in a very clean place, every time I breathed I felt an aroma of plants and mountains that you cannot feel in the city, it is a brutal sensation of peace! of the town there is not much to talk about since it has less than 1500 people it is very small! in winter it is impossible to take a bath in the waterfall despite being very clean it is too cold I would say about 5 degrees! but I've already seen people take a bath in summer!🤩🤩
Inmediatamente cuando llegue habia una brisa agradable hacia unos 12 grados por lo que no era muy frio y el sol estaba en su punto mas alto! senti que estaba en un sitio muy limpio cada vez que respiraba sentia un aroma de plantas y montañas que no puedes sentirlo en la ciudad, es una sensacion de paz brutal! del pueblo no hay mucho de que hablar ya que tiene menos de 1500 personas es muy pequeño! en invierno es imposible tomar bacho en la cascada apesar de estar muy limpia es demasiado fria diria unos 5 grados! pero ya vi personas tomar baño en verano!😂🥵🥶😳


I registered in this beautiful adventure a very nice "trail"="path" to connect with nature I saw many bird songs so it would be interesting to visit the area to do birdwatching, in the vegetation I saw some bushes and trees but the dominant one is the eucalyptus, it was a bit of a forced descent so we had to walk carefully, as we went deeper into the forest we began to feel much colder but we were well wrapped up! It is not a recommended route for bicycles but there are some paths to make small trips around the dense forest of talhadas!😮😬
Registre en esta hermosa aventura un "trilho"="sendero" muy lindo para compenetrarnos con la naturaleza vi muchos cantos de aves por lo que seria interesante visitar la zona para hacer birdwatching, en la vegetacion vi algunos arbustos y arboles pero el dominante es el eucalipto, fue un descenso un poco forzado por lo que tuvimos que caminar con cuidado, a medida que nos adentramos mas al bosque comenzamos a sentir mucho mas frio pero estabamos bien abrigados! no es una ruta recomendada para bicicletas pero hay algunos caminos para hacer pequeños viajes alrededor del bosque denso de talhadas!🤔📕📖

I took the opportunity to take some photos with a tripod of my family, we stayed a bit to talk about our great 5-day trip where we traveled more than 1500km, we got to know almost all of the center of Portugal, it was a vacation that I had been planning for a few months! And of course it was something I got thanks to HIVE, I always say what I spend is to invest in the platform, something I can't get with instagram or FB.😅😆
Aproveche para tomar algunas fotos con trípode a mi familia, nos quedamos un poco para platicar de nuestro gran viaje de 5 dias donde recorrimos mas de 1500km, conocimos casi todo el centro de Portugal eran unas vacaciones que venia programando desde hace algunos meses! y claro fue algo que consegui gracias a HIVE, yo siempre digo lo que gasto es para invertir en la plataforma, cosa que no consigo con instagram o FB.🤑😜

It's a little adventure that you end up doing in just one hour, we had a lot of fun, we took very nice photos and of course I "advertise" the beauties of Portugal, not everything is beaches, castles! we also have beautiful forests, waterfalls, and majestic mountains!🙂🙂
Es una pequeña aventura que acabas por hacer en solo una hora, nos divertimos bastante, nos tomamos fotos muy bonitas y por supuesto hago "publicidad" a las bellezas de Portugal, no todo es playas, castillos! tambien tenemos bosques hermosos, cascadas, y magestuosas montañas! 👨👩👧🧓

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The hike was for sure very worth it to see this amazing waterfall. I feel the how cold it is just by reading your blog. 😁
-surely you had a great time with your family 🙂
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.Jejeje creo que muchos después de conocer Hive ya no le dedicamos casi tiempo a las redes sociales tradicionales
Sehh! Tambien vi que subistes unas cascadas
Sí, ¡qué coincidencia!
Splendid view !!! ❤️ Lovely place dear. How wonderful nature is.
Thank! Greetings 😜