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RE: OBSIDIAN - A Writing App Every Blogger Must Have

in GEMS2 years ago

I've been using Obsidian for some time now primarily for notemaking and journaling. I use the daily note as a short journal & ideas/todo list with a plugin that will roll over every todo item not completed to the next day's note. So my ideas/todo list has everything thing I've added to it.

"How to Take Smart Notes" by Sonke Ahrens is a great book if you're interested in learning the Zettlekasten concept that Luhman used.

One of the big things that sold me on it was that if the program goes away my files can still be accessed since they are text files. I have a WD Passport drive plugged into my computer where all my important files are saved to automatically. I also have a cloud drive attached to my home router that I can access from any where. My Obsidian files are backed up to there regularly.

Did you know that Obsidian also has a paid publish feature you can use to create publicly available content? I've been watching a guy create a book in public using it.